miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

Como configurar tu correo en un dominio .tel como info@libros.tel

  • 6: Setup name@yourdomain.tel

    A .tel domain does not include email hosting by default, but provides the necessary support for a .tel email address. Please check with your .tel service provider whether a mail hosting service is available, or setup your own mailbox on independent mail servers.

    To have a .tel email address, you need to setup mail servers to host your mailbox, and add MX records pointing to those servers from your .tel domain. You can add MX records from the Settings link in the .tel control panel, or programmatically using the SOAP/AJAX APIs. Again, your .tel provider might offer to do this for you.
    If you do not see the Setup .tel email tab in Settings, please check with your provider if email is supported.

    Below are simple instructions on setting up a free .tel mailbox using Google Mail or Windows Live Mail, or configure Hostgator hosting for .tel domains.

    Google Mail

    1. Sign up for a Google Apps account and add your .tel domain name:
      1. Select the option Administrator: I own or control this domain from the sign up page and enter your .tel domain name.
      2. Enter all your personal information.
      3. Enter the email address you want setup at your .tel domain and finish the sign up process.
    2. Get Google mail server names to setup MX records in your .tel domain.
      1. Skip forced verification of ownership using CNAME records by selecting I will validate later.
      2. Go to your Admin Panel
        Verifying Domain Ownership > Configuring MX Records.
    3. In the control panel, setup .tel to point to Google mail servers, such as
    4. Wait for Google to validate ownership of your domain. This can take up to 48 hours.

    Windows Live

    1. Add your .tel to Windows Live.
      1. Sign up for a Windows Live account or log in if you are returning user.
      2. Enter the domain you want to add as a Custom Domain.
      3. Accept the Terms and Conditions.
        You will be presented with the MX record for your email service.
    2. Setup .tel to point to Windows Live server.
      1. On the Domain Settings page, get the details of the MX record that you need to set up. This is tied specifically to your domain name rather than being a generic address.
      2. Copy the MX server name into your .tel Settings in the control panel.
      3. Return to the Windows Live process and hit Refresh to validate the changes.
    3. Create member account(s).
      1. In the Member Accounts area, click Add+ to create a new member.
      2. Fill in the form with the requested data (may not work on browsers other than Internet Explorer).
    4. Activate your mail account.
      1. Sign up for the Windows Live Mail system by filling in the form.
      2. Sign in again entering the captcha when prompted.

    Hostgator hosting

    1. Add your .tel to Hostgator.
      1. In your browser, login to your Hostgator Control Panel.
      2. Click the Add-On domains icon
      3. Specify your domain and password and click Add Domain.
    2. Get your MX settings from Hostgator. If you don't know your mail server, perform a DIG command to get those settings for the domain associated with your Hostgator mailbox. For example:


      You will see something like this copy the values on the right:
      yourname.com. 60 IN MX 20 ns2041.hostgator.com.
      yourname.com. 60 IN MX 10 ns2042.hostgator.com.
    3. In the .tel control panel, setup your .tel to point to Hostgator's MX servers from the DIG result you copied, like "ns2042.hostgator.com." .
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  • Como configurar un correo en tu dominio .tel por ejemplo info@libros.tel

    Account Settings

    E-mail Settings

    The main advantage of a .tel domain is that you don't need a hosting account to use it. However, if you want to have email accounts for your .tel domain such as user@yourdomain.tel, you will need a hosting account.

     Follow the steps below to set up a mail account for a .tel domain:

     First and foremost, you must have a registered .tel domain. SiteGround customers can order a new .tel domain from their Customer Area > Order Domains.

    • Log in to your .tel domain management section and go to settings -> Setup .tel email.
    • In the Server host name field type the host name(s) of the mail server(s) that will handle your mails. For example, if your account is hosted on the siteground200.com server, type siteground200.com in the field.
    • In the Order field enter a number for the order in which the server(s) will be used. For example, you can type 1 for your first host name and increase the number for any additional host names.
    • Click Save to save your domain's MX records.

    setup .tel email

    • Now you need to create the mail account(s) that you want to use with your .tel domain. To be able to do this, you should first park your .tel domain from your cPanel > Parked domains. Note that due to their specific DNS setup, .tel domains cannot work as parked domains. The only reason you need to park the .tel domain is to be able to create mail accounts for it.
    • The last thing you need to do is to create your mail accounts for the .tel domain from your cPanel -> Email accounts.

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    martes, 27 de julio de 2010

    Noticia de tal día como hoy, pero de hace 5 años. Así empezaron los dominio .tel

    Nuevo dominio ".tel": Será destinado a la telefonía a través de Internet.

    La ICANN aprobó el nuevo dominio .tel, el que tendrá la finalidad de ser un nexo entre los diferentes medios de telecomunicaciones, como voz, mensajería, combinaciones de voz y datos.

    27-07-2005 - Por lo que la ICANN designo a la firma Telnic como la responsable de asegurar que las numeraciones y nombres estén restringidos para garantizar la integridad y evitar interferencias en planes de numeración telefónicos nacionales o internacionales que ya estén establecidos o que aparezcan en el futuro.

    La intención de la ICANN es que este nuevo dominio cubra cualquier forma de comunicación entre personas y/o empresas, y por este motivo lo denomina "Internet-Communications".

    La compañía Telnic tiene sus oficinas centrales en Londres y está presidida por Juan Villalonga, ex-presidente de Telefónica.

    Si tu negocio aún no tienes un .tel ¿existes?

    Si tienes un negocio, y aún no tienes un .tel, ¿como crees que los demás saben que existes?

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    lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

    A pesar de todo, yo sigo creyendo en los .tel

    Putting the final nail to the .TEL .COffin


    .CO is 100% Colombian TLD with an international flavor and worldwide reach.

    When the .TEL TLD came out of the ICANN stables it was supposed to be a revolutionary new method of establishing a new identity online.

    Adding to the launch hoopla was the infamous Ben.tel video depicting two hormone-laden Brits fighting for the attention of an uptown blonde – all while riding an intercity train. The one who scribbled "Ben.tel" on the window with his opponent's latte won the girl.

    He might as well have scribbled the .tel domain with feces.

    Once out of the limelight, dot tel was proven to be not only insufficient in providing basic elements expected from a TLD but also extremely weak with regards to search engine visibility.

    In essence, TelNIC – the .tel Registry – brought out a product that was never ready to be used by the unsuspecting public, who rushed to register every serious or silly keyword under the sun, only to see their investment vaporize during the 1st year anniversary;  upon renewal time, .tel domains dropped en masse.

    We can't blame TelNIC for improving on the initial model: they replaced the ugly .tel button with something that looks more appealing but didn't provide space for one's own image. They replaced the masked proxy forwarding and added space for AdSense.

    Errr, that's it pretty much.

    The Achilles tendon of .tel has always been its DNS: locked down to displaying the massive amount of personal data stored in the TelNIC database, there has been no alternate provision in order to host a dot tel in a separate DNS or to park domains for that matter.

    It needs to be noted that TelNIC carries on, undaunted; a few weeks ago they launched the IDN .tel domains – as if we need international users to obtain their own castrated .TEL domains. At least, that led to several new registrations after the anniversary dive in existing .tel numbers.

    And now, .CO is here – at the worst time for .tel, putting the final nail to the dot tel coffin.

    There is no comparison between the two: Dot CO is a letter shy of .com and brings forth a full-fledged TLD that can be parked, developed and most importantly it will rate well with search engines such as Google.

    Sometimes we wonder where is the .TEL blonde these days now that the .CO brunette from Colombia controls the game.

    ¿por qué los dominios .tel aún no optimizan en SEO?

    domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

    Los dominio .tel, no solo son basura, sino autenticos diamantes en bruto, los cuales acabaran valiendo más que los .com

    En respuesta a lo de que los .tel son una basura, debo de reconocer que parece que soy el único que estoy en contra de todo eso. Tanto es así, que he abandonado los 150 dominios que tenía, los he puesto en parking, y he decidido dedicarme exclusivamente a los .tel
    Las estadisticas son malas, de los 300.000 que habían vendidos, se han perdido 50.000 que no se han renovado, google hace unos días les penalizó, Arsys (en España) les despreció no apuntandose a los IDN, en fin todo va medio mal. Sin embargo he decido pensar algo radicalmente diferente a lo que piensa la mayoría, así que:
    1.- Pienso que el ser humano fue creado hace unos 7000 años en el Edem (Eridu) por los Annunakis, lo hicieron por manipulación genética uniendo el cromosoma 2 y 3, y nos crearon para ser sus esclavos.
    2.- Pienso que la pirámide de Keops era una estación de monitorización de datos terrestres (campos magnéticos, temperatura...) los cuales eran enviados al espacio, para ser analizada la habitabilidad de la tierra desde otro planeta lejano. Teoría única de valdeandemagico , con la cual estoy de acuerdo y admiro a este tal valdeandemagico, por tener ideas diferentes.
    3.- Y pienso que los .tel acabarán valiendo mas que los .com, ya que los .com van teniendo cada vez mucha más competencia con dominios que le intentan imitar, y como todos son iguales, pues al final la tarta se va dividiendo en trozos más pequeños. Sin embargo los .tel, son una joya por explotar, pero que no explotará hasta por lo menos el 2014, donde las redes de comunicaciones empiecen a ser IP. Cuando uno trabaja para hacer que la red de comunicaciones STB, la fija, vaya desapareciendo, y que la red de comunicaciones móviles, también vaya desapareciendo, es decir que tienen fecha de caducidad, y sin embargo la NGN (red fija IP) va como una moto, o que la gran inversión económica vaya hacia la red móvil banda ancha (4G, LTE, será todo IP). Pues bien, al final, en unos años todo será IP. Y en dominios, ¿qué se creó para cuando todo sea IP? pues se crearon lo .tel, una red de DNS repartidos por todo el mundo, desde donde se gestionaran los contactos de la gente, y lo gestionará cada cual a su gusto y manera.
    4.- Acabo de probar el OpenAuth de los .tel, y va de maravilla, es decir autenticándome solo una vez, accedo a todos los dominios .tel, sea del operador que sea, también poseen OpenID, he comprobado que poner un enlace patrocinado son 3 segundos, poner lo de adsense 3 segundos, que se puede recibir contenido automáticamente, que se puede hacer para que se pongan comentarios, que se puede actualizar directamente desde Twitter, que está a punto de poderse cambiar el contacto desde un SMS del móvil, que puedes poner 300.000 registros, que es el más barato de todos, pues incluye el alojamiento... Soy el má nuevo en esto, no tengo casi ni idea, pero por ello creo que hay que arriesgar en algo diferente, y solo, solo, solo, hay algo diferente en los .tel, el resto es más de lo mismo.

    Lo dicho, yo no pienso que los .tel sean basura, sino un diamante en bruto a los que aún les queda mucho por pulir, pero son a los únicos que se les puede pulir, y acabaran brillando.

    sábado, 24 de julio de 2010

    SEO para los dominio .tel


    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a domain or website from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. As a result, search engines return links to that domain or website higher up the search rankings, thus enabling those searching for relevant resources to discover it more easily.

    Optimizing a domain or website for better search engine ranking primarily involves regular editing of its content to both increase its relevance to specific keyword being used in search queries and to encourage more frequent indexing by search engines. However, the rules for SEO are fluid and constantly change because search engine operator stry to counter 'gaming' – the forcing of results to higher rankings than their perceived value in the specific search conducted.

    Search engine optimization has developed into a huge industry with agencies and specialists analyzing and employing a set of techniques in an attempt to bring together human-readable content and computers that evaluate the relevance of that content. Why is this? Traditional websites lack a standardized structure and also focus on strong visual presentation of content to capture the interest of the viewer/researcher, not necessarily focusing on data. As a result, search engines need to apply complex algorithms to determine whether those websites might be useful for visitors, evaluating a number of variable characteristics. Added to this, the multi-lingual nature of websites, and the differing purposes of Internet searches (someone might be trying to find an address or telephone number of a veterinary surgery, the other a video of kittens playing the piano), and you immediately get a matrix of global possibilities without structure. SEO experts aim to address these unstructured possibilities to try to bring your domain or website to the top of the search results matrix and keep it there. With .tel, SEO skills can be applied more easily and allow your domain and websites to be more productive as a result. All .tel domains are "search engine optimized" insofar as a .tel domain pushes you to publish valuable, structured information in it, which is of great relevance to search engines. Here are a few simple yet unique SEO features that a .tel domain provides over other types of top level domains:

    1. • No HTML coding or webmaster knowledge required

    All .tel edits can be done by the .tel owner and do not require setup of complex meta tags, robot files or other webmaster tools and techniques commonly used on websites. With a .tel, everything you add is published immediately, and seen by search engines as industry-standard, meaningful .tel information. It's as simple as that.

    1. • Machine-readable structured content

    Unlike a traditional website, .tel contains structured information which has standardized labels. For example, a telephone number has the label 'callto:' associated with it, meaning a machine knows how to deal with this type of data record. So the automatic search algorithm needn't to parse the whole text to, for example, identify a string of digits as a phone number. With a solution that is both machine-readable and optimized for presentation to humans is a revolution in SEO.

    1. • Increased relevance and authoritative data source

    Because any contact item has labels to identify its type and location, and any keyword can belong to a category, a simple crawler can instantly identify all the data needed to consider a .tel domain

    Search Engine Optimization and the .tel Domain

    as an authoritative data source. This is far more efficient than meta-tagging information within web pages and highlighting to search engines the manually-created site map.

    1. • Standard source of contact information for directory listings

    .tel domains have a single purpose: contact information. Therefore, search engines will not mistake .tel data for other less relevant information and will integrate .tel data into their local directory page offerings.

    1. • Continuous re-indexing

    Actively used .tel domains will be more appealing to search engines. As contact information in a .tel can be easily changed using profiles from a mobile device, or keywords can be updated through the control panel, a .tel domain can be made dynamic very easily. From the search engine viewpoint, a resource that is frequently updated and used is highly relevant for the search.

    1. • Structured layout for multi-faceted hierarchy of info

    A hierarchy of folders allows you to create an easily navigable and transparent structure to cater to different groups of visitors with various types of queries. Add a section to sell your product, but also another one to explain what it is, link to specs and comparisons, and a phone line for immediate purchase. Each .tel page (sub-domain) is indexed and viewed independently by search engines.

    1. • Localization for geo-based searches

    Because .tel domains allow text and keywords in any language (UTF-8 encoding), you can have a .tel domain or sub-domain catering to your local audience(s). In addition, the Proxy service that presents your .tel on the web using one of the 11 supported languages depending on browser settings, which again increases relevance for local markets and thus for local search engines in those languages. With these assets, a .tel domain owner can create an SEO strategy and develop a .tel domain into a highly-ranked, useful resource which complements traditional websites. Any domain, a .tel or a traditional one, can get to the top of the results table. Here are a few recommendations on how to make this happen:

      1. • Determine the target group for your .tel and the type of query they are going to have: Are they researching a subject?
      2. Are they willing to buy something?
      3. Are they trying to find a resource they visited previously?

    • Populate your .tel with relevant information.

    The more relevant information that is contained within a domain, the better it is for both search engines and people. Adding irrelevant data dilutes the relevance of a resource. Both for visitors and for search engines, getting an exact match for the requested information is the ideal search experience. Based on your findings in item 1, determine important information of different types and add it to your .tel.

    Search Engine Optimization and the .tel Domain 3

    ©2009 Telnic Limited. All rights reserved.

    1. Do not try to cheat, work out a strategy instead.
    Trying to cheat the system by matching one particular search algorithm at a particular time won't be a viable long-term marketing strategy. Real SEO is not about exact domain name vs. number of keywords vs. outbound links. Algorithms change, and search engine companies employ human methods to evaluate and improve their search results. Specially trained 'raters' tell the search engine whether the top results are relevant for the query, while monitored number of clicks shows whether actual users follow the links at the top of the search results table.
    1. • Make your .tel interesting for visitors to generate inbound links.
    If visitors like your .tel, they will link to it. Search engines often attribute high value to the amount of inbound linking. Benefit from the dynamic content of .tel to announce special deals, competitions, promo codes and free trials. Visitors will keep coming back and linking to your resource.
    1. • Update and add information often.
    Adding new content such as special offers, new menus, pricing changes, opening times, news or links to other useful resources (whether paid listings or free) can enhance the usefulness of your .tel domain In traditional websites, search engines take the age of the page into account during indexing. Even though a .tel domain is not simply a webpage, search engines use the length of time the data has been static as an indication of its usefulness, so make sure it's also refreshed and renewed in the same way. Again, this can be as simple as changing profiles, or refreshing the keywords.
    1. • Use your .tel and make it your contact hub.
    Sign your blog, forum posts and email with your .tel, add it to your profile on social and professional networks, give it away on cards. Use every free resource you can in order to link to and from your .tel domain in order to create a strong association with relevant resources on the Internet. A .tel domain is the also perfect place to list your websites and provide inbound links to them. The more social your .tel is, the better it will be viewed by search engines. To re-iterate, you have fantastic instruments at your disposal, but you also need to work on your .tel to optimize it for search engines. As .tel domains grow in popularity and become widely adopted, search engines will become more aware of this new extension, and will provide more sophisticated ways of indexing these domains.
  • miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

    Nos unimos a la propuesta para que Telnic saque a la venta los dominios de 1 y 2 caracteres, dominio .tel


    Ahh... One and a Two


    Ahh... one and a two

    Today is the day that the newly repackaged .CO domain extension offers availability on a first-come first-served basis to the general public. At the time of this writing, in less than 3 hours, for about $25-$30 anyone can register a .CO domain from one of 10 pre-approved ICANN-accredited registrars and their respective resellers. This message is not about their new launch and how the .CO registry – Cointernet.co staged, and continues to stage a brilliant marketing campaign, it's more about taking a page from their strategy and developing a grassroots effort to see if we can assist Telnic to achieve some parallel results, results that may help to increase notoriety and acceptance of the .tel extension worldwide.

    One of the marketing tools that .CO employed was to be pre-authorized by their ICANN charter to sell one and two character domains. I won't go into the obvious pros (there are no cons) of owning and using extremely rare one and two character domains because as we all know, unless you're in the porn biz of course, that shorter is better. Cointernet offered companies and organizations the ability to register one and two character domains where doing so would not only be consistent with their stated business objectives, but to also to create a ton of marketing buzz that would light up the blogospheres, the Twitter'spheres and the YouTube'ospheres of the world.

    Well… it worked. Worked in spades.

    First they held an auction for the single-character domain e.co. It attracted a final bid of US$81,000 and in another stroke of brilliance the proceeds were donated to charity. How's that for getting the 'greens', the tree-huggers and the philanthropically challenged on board? So the benchmark was set. Before a single .CO domain was made available to the general public, .Cointernet established a market value for their single character domains.

    But it didn't stop there.

    Twitter, currently taking over the world 140 characters at a time and the 11th most popular website in the world according to Alexa, (take it with a grain of salt) bought t.co as an URL shortening tool and a vehicle to control certain security aspects of Twitter tweets. Shurly shome smart people doing some smart thinking.

    And now we hear tell…

    That over at Overstock.com, that huge US-based recycling bin (revenue in 2009: $876 gazillion) has just purchased o.co for a whopping $350,000. That, my amigos is what Spinmeisters do best.

    So the point of all of this?

    Is to begin our own little TelMasters campaign to support Telnic so that they too might become authorized to sell one and two character domains. I can't think of a better, more cost effective way to help generate some new buzz and to help pump up the volume (and hopefully the value) on .tel domains.

    Campaign for one and two character .tel domains

    Use the following as a guide, or better yet if you have the time, add your own comments to support this initiative.

    Email to: community@telnic.org

    Gentlemen (and Nadya)

    This is a formal request that Telnic take whatever measures necessary to be able to offer and support one and two character .tel domains, respectively.

    Many other registries offer this option and aside from the obvious market value of the domains to both .tel owners and consumers, Telnic needs to be able to offer these options in order to compete on an equal, level playing field with other registries. Not having the ability to offer one and two character domains severely limits Telnic's competitive place in the market and the overall value as a domain extension.

    Yours truly,
    Mark and Scott

    Our only other request is that if you can add your support, please do it NOW.
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    martes, 20 de julio de 2010

    ¿Han pasado ya 10 años desde la idea de los dominio .tel?

    Este resumen no está disponible. Haz clic en este enlace para ver la entrada.

    lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

    La muerte de los .mobi y el nacimiento de los .tel

    I guess it has been about 3 years ago I started working with the mobi domains. For my windshield repair business, it seemed like a natural fit. After all if you're out on the road and you get a chip on your windshield, you could get the information you need on your cell phone.

    I knew though, that there was one weakness to the mobi domain; it was a website that could be set up with a sub-page written for mobile devices. Some examples of an alternative way to create mobile content would be, "m.example.com" or "example.com/mobile".

    As I see it, another problem was a host that would provide the program to meet mobi specs. Besides being limited at best, I was faced with either a good price and limited ability, or a high price. To solve the problem, I found an open source that cost nothing as long as I provided the storage. The storage wasn't an issue as I have 40 gigabyte of storage through my company's website host, not to mention several hundred gigabyte of bandwidth each month. When you consider, that by mobi specs, a page is limited to 20 kilobytes of data, using my existing host for storage wouldn't be an issue.

    As time has progressed, cell phones have gotten better and can handle a lot more data. This I believe has had an effect on mobi, because the restrictive requirements aren't needed for the newer smart phones. As a result earlier this year, dot mobi was sold. Based on what I've read about the reason for the sale and all of the above issues, this showed me that storm clouds were forming.

    Dot tel, another domain, also is a way to provide mobile content at a competitive price. Shortly after the dot tell domains were opened for sale to the public I purchased a dot tel for my windshield repair business and have seen my business grow due to customers using it on their cell phones.

    Since the mobi sale, on several occasions I found a portion of all 3 mobi sites I have, didn't function properly. On every occasion I had to go in and fix code that mysteriously had changed. While I know that the change of ownership of the domain had nothing to do with the code problems, it appears there are more issues.

    Recently I received notice that the open source provider of the mobile program would soon be charging for the service. That in itself wouldn't be a problem, the price being charged is. How ridiculously high? Well consider that the storage and bandwidth is a very small fraction of what I use for a conventional website. Yet the cost to keep my mobi sites up would be nearly 2 ½ times what I pay for my conventional website.

    Okay, the question then becomes what should I do with WipeOutMS.mobi. Moving that material to WipeOutMS.tel was one option. Placing the material on OnCell411.tel another site I own that is dedicated to providing information while out on the road was a second choice. I had placed MS information on the mobi version of that website.

    After thinking it over I decided to merge the information on WipeOutMS.mobi with OnCell411.mobi and put it on OnCell411.tel. Doing this I believe will create more awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS) and help the cause. A second reason is that to get to MS events you need to travel, and this website is designed for travel.

    So what becomes of the old mobi domains? Well I've pointed OnCell411.mobi at OnCell411.tel, so if you use OnCell411.mobi you will end up at the new website. WipeOutMS.mobi is another story, efforts to redirect that domain with the current registrar has failed. A transfer to another registrar is taking place which will give me total control of the domain. I expect that to be completed by the coming weekend. Finally when I tested the new website with ready mobi it scored a 4, which means it will still load on most cell phones.

    OnCell411.tel is still under development so if you have a problem please let me know. My hope is that this project will bring more MS awareness and more support to find a cure to Wipe Out MS-like diseases like polio has been.

    miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

    75 dias desde que caduca hasta que queda libre el dominio.tel

    Dot Tel Domain Lifecycle - What does expired and dropped actually mean?

    Are you interested in purchasing a dropped or expired domain?

    Have you noticed a domain has not been renewed beyond its expiration date?

    Wondering why you're unable to simply register it?

    Are you about to bid on a tel domain at an expired auction?

    Read on BEFORE bidding for the domain, because any domain auctioned prior to the correct stage can be reclaimed and renewed by the owner! Yes, even if you WIN the auction!!

    Let's use http://regentstreet.tel/ as our example domain:

    Domain Registration
    http://regentstreet.tel/ is registered on May 1st 2009 with registrar ABC for a 1 year period.

    You are not allowed to transfer this to another registrar until July 1st 2009 (60 days after registration).
    A couple of months prior to expiration, most registrars will send out renewal notifications to the owner.

    Domain Expiration
    On May 1st 2010, if the owner has not renewed, http://RegentStreet.tel then it has 'expired'.
    NOTE: this does NOT mean you can now go and register the domain....

    At this point most registrars will HOLD the domain, allowing you to still renew your domain at the regular price.
    NOTE: you are not allowed to transfer the domain away at this stage unless you renew first

    Domain Deletion
    [40 days after Domain Expiration]
    After 40 days (July 9th 2010 in our example), most registrars delete the domain.
    NOTE: if you would like to restore your domain during this period there are usually hefty redemption charges applied.

    After a further 30 days the domain can no longer be restored.
    NOTE: the only way to get the domain is to wait until it is dropped from the registry and released to the available pool.

    Domain Dropped and available for Registration
    [75 days after Domain Expiration]
    After a further 5 days the domain is dropped from the central registry and available to register by anyone.

    Good luck hunting for that dropped domain!

    NOTE: as a .tel domain has yet to go through a full registration -> drop period some of the points here may be inaccurate.

    The dates/points listed above are based on a real example (domain name not mentioned) that occured during an attempt to bid and win a tel domain during a registrar's expired domain auction

    martes, 13 de julio de 2010

    TelMasters Open Authorization (OAuth)


    We're quite excited about having Telmasters Tools validated and approved by Telnic as a genuine OpenAuth client. We'll be converting all our tools (except Traffic Stats) this week and over the weekend. To prepare for this and to have uninterrupted service, please authorize yourself in advance by visiting https://www.telmasters.com/home/oauth. Once you've done this, you will no longer need to provide your CTH username and password to use our tools.

    From inception:

    Telnic, the .tel registry, incorporated a username and password system to securely access your (CTH) control panel. Using the link supplied by your registrar, you enter your username and password in order to populate and manage your .tel domain. Now if you only have one or two domains to manage, the process of inputting usernames and passwords is not that onerous. In addition, if your registrar was on the ball and enabled you to have many domains in one account, you are able to substantially reduce the amount of time required to access your control panel. However, if you have dozens, hundreds or thousands of domains and are at a registrar that does not have the one-account system, it takes an enormous amount of time to list, maintain and retrieve the username and password for each domain.

    Secure Access:

    Open Authorization, (OAuth) is an open standard that allows users to share their private resources (e.g. photos, videos, contact lists) stored on one site with another site or application without having to issue their username and password.
    OAuth allows users to distribute tokens instead of usernames and passwords to their data hosted by a given service provider. Each token grants access to a specific application for specific resources and for a defined duration (e.g. the next 2 hours).
    Thus OAuth allows a user to grant a third party site access to their information stored with another service provider, without sharing their access permissions or the full extent of their data.

    Tapping into the Tools With Peace of Mind:

    OpenAuth lets us provide you with secure domain management services without revealing your CTH username and password when using our tools and applications. Your OAuth request will be approved upon your successful login at your registrar's Client Authentication page, which provides us with an authenticated 'token' that will be used by our tools. This token is valid for seven days, but gets renewed automatically. However, if you wish to revoke access at any time, do so via your CTH control panel > Settings > Approved Clients > Revoke.

    After authentication, all domains in the account associated with any domain you supply will be accessible via OAuth. Should you have domains at different registrars, or domains in different accounts at the same registrar, you will need to approve access for each registrar/account as OAuth is enabled at the account level.

    We'll keep you posted as soon as further developments become available.

    Mark and Scott

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