OverseasTickets.com, Rabbits.net, Australiani.com...
All,There is quite a bit of news today.We have a seller with a large Geo+GolfersGuide.com Portfolio. Some examples are ScotlandGolfersGuide.com, IrelandGolfersGuide.com, BahamasGolfGuide.com, HawaiiGolfersGuide.com, etc..... The prices vary. If you have an interest in seeing the entire portfolio please let me know and I will send it over to you.On Rick's blog post yesterday he announced that we are looking to hire four bilingual sales people to assist with T.R.A.F.F.I.C promotion. This is a great opportunity if you speak German, Italian, French or Dutch. Space is limited so click here for more details if you are interested.On a different note, in today's post Rick talks a little more about plans with our new company WeBuyWatches.com and how it will work together with Latona's Brokerage and Auction House. You can click here to see what he says.Regards,Toby ClementsToday's New Domain Names
The DigiLoan.com Option Domain Price Monthly Payment Down Payment TermCricketSeason.Com $500 $0 $0 No FinancingLoretoBay.org $500 $0 $0 No FinancingNewYork-NewYork.net $500 $0 $0 No FinancingTravelTips.org $800 $0 $0 No FinancingOccupations.us $1200 $0 $0 No FinancingFloors.us $2500 $65 $963 36 MonthsRobbed.com $2500 $65 $963 36 MonthsCopper.us $2750 $71 $1050 36 MonthsFunds.us $4500 $113 $1680 36 MonthsRabbits.net $6200 $153 $2275 36 MonthsOverseasTickets.com $7000 $0 $0 No Financing Reduce Until Sold
The DigiLoan.com Option Domain Price Monthly Payment Down Payment TermBluetoothSpeakerphone.com $800 $0 $0 No FinancingPodStorageUnits.com $2000 $0 $0 No FinancingLearnSnoboarding.com $2000 $0 $0 No FinancingThanksgivingMeals.com $3500 $0 $0 No FinancingPublicStorageUnits.com $5000 $0 $0 No FinancingTelevisionReruns.com $7000 $0 $0 No FinancingFreePortableGames.com $15000 $0 $0 No FinancingAnimeGirls.com $20000 $0 $0 No FinancingMemberships.com $85000 $0 $0 Inquire About Financing Non-English Domains
The DigiLoan.com Option Domain Price Monthly Payment Down Payment TermAustraliani.com $2000 $0 $0 No FinancingItalian: Australian Canadesi.com $2000 $0 $0 No FinancingItalian: Canadian
Buyers: If you want any domain from these Daily Domains you'll need to quickly reply with "I'll take it". These names sell fast so don't waste any time. If you commit to a name we expect payment within 72 hours. If you want a contract or any escrow service, you'll need to inform us within 12 hours. Often times, financing is available. If you need financing, please request it before committing to purchase. We�ll work hard to get the deal done for you. Do not contact the seller directly, under any circumstance. We will consider it an act of circumvention and take the appropriate measures.
Sellers: We charge a flat $200.00 or 10% of the selling price (whichever is greater) upon the sale of your domain. There is no charge to list the name and you keep complete control of your name while it is listed. We ask for a 30 day exclusivity agreement when you list with us. If someone contacts you directly, please bring it to our attention immediately. Submissions for listings should be sent to newsletter@ricklatona.com.
405 Brentwood Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA
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Toda información que se vaya publicando sobre la evolución de los dominios .tel , creados para liderar el futuro, se irá poniendo en este blog. Web patrocinada por TELrural.com
jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010
OverseasTickets.com, Rabbits.net, Australiani.com...
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