miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ADSENSE EN LOS DOMINIOS .TEL EN MARZO !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to .telegraph, the monthly .tel community newsletter covering the latest news on .tel features, software and services, as well as useful tips and advice from .tel owners. Why not share this with someone you think may also be interested? More resources are at http://telnic.org/community-landing.html.



In this issue:

Hot News: .tel to support Google AdSense in March

Following on from discussions with the community, Telnic will introduce Google AdSense for .tel pages to enable .tel owners to easily generate additional revenue from their domains. The ability to store AdSense publisher credentials via the control panel is to be introduced before the end of March, 2010.

Google AdSense is a free program that enables website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads and earn additional revenue. As a .tel name does not host a traditional website, Telnic is enabling .tel name owners with AdSense accounts to easily integrate their account credentials using the web control panel provided as part of the .tel service. The ads will then be pulled from Google's ad network and displayed on the .tel web interface every time it is visited from a computer browser.

"As .tel evolves and more individuals and businesses look to generate new revenues through the service, we will continue to respond to our community and build integration with useful services that enhance the overall offering of .tel," said Henri Asseily, CTO and Chief Strategist at Telnic. "Whilst those with technical skills can take advantage of the functionality and new business opportunities that TelAds provide, we heard a call for a simpler solution so that everyday users can also have the ability to use the world's most recognized advertising service, simply and easily."

Google AdSense will complement, not replace, the existing TelAds functionality, which enables .tel owners and service providers to populate .tel names with their own sponsored advertising. At the time of launch, a .tel owner will be able to store credentials for two AdSense Units (each of which typically hold 3 ads) in their .tel domains, see page 2 for an example.

Once Google AdSense has been successfully integrated, Telnic will consult its community to see if other advertising networks should be supported.

Preview: The new look for your .tel page

Proxy page thumbnail

This is the first preview of the redesigned look for .tel pages with new features, to be rolled out in March 2010. Click the graphic on the left to see the full-size view.

We would like to thank you, the .tel community, for all your valuable feedback. Many of the proposed features and solutions have been added into the redesign, including the addition of graphics, an embedded search function, as well as colour scheme customization. We very much hope you will enjoy this new experience and look forward to receiving any feedback on your new .tel page; please write to us at website@telnic.org.

With the new design, you will be able to customize your .tel by choosing a colour scheme from a selection of templates and adding a link to your photo or logo. You can have a different graphic in every folder. For large .tel resources, the search function will also be useful, and you'll be able to hide the "All .tels" search mode so that visitors won't be allowed to go to other .tel resources from your page. Finally, the custom icons for popular online services will be added automatically when your .tel page is loaded. With these features and easy advertising via Google Ads, you will create a truly personalized online presence on your .tel!

.tel Vouchers in Retail

Webnames.ca, Canada's original domain registrar, are collaborating on the first-ever retail cards for .tel names to be sold in shops and stores. The world's first batch of .tel retail cards was delivered to CanTalk Wireless stores at the end of January. These new cards enable customers to purchase .tel names over the counter. These can then be activated online at a later date using unique codes printed on the card, making them ideal as gifts.


"These retail cards make it easier than ever to promote .tel. The card and packaging design are very appealing and do a great job at expressing the .tel concept and value to shoppers. Our sales people find it easier to explain and promote .tel by having the cards available instore and the registration system provided to gift card users appears to be very easy to follow. Overall I believe the .tel retail cards will be a big success.
We believe 2010 to be an incredibly exciting year that will bring new value and popularity for .tel domains."

Nick Ellery,
General Manager at CanTalk Wireless Solutions

Nick Ellery
Nick Ellery

Steve Smith, Webnames.ca's President and CEO, said: ".tel retail cards make sense because .tel is so different. They offer small businesses and professionals a very affordable and easy-to-maintain "contact me" web presence that is both optimized for search engines and mobile phones. They are a perfect complement for a mobility plan and make sense for retail outlets that offer products to small businesses."

Other .tel service providers around the world are working with Telnic to deliver .tel name retail cards to outlets in their own territories later in 2010.

Christopher Vanderhorst: .tel from a industry observer

Christopher Vanderhorst

My career has seen and continues to see many facets of technology. "WOW. This is an opportunity that is a second chance to benefit from the internet as if it were starting all over again!" This is all I can remember thinking somewhere around the Sunrise and Landrush periods of .tel availability. This is when I first read of this new .tel TLD, and the more I analyzed it, the more all my instincts proved themselves accurate. Not only does .tel have unique properties far advanced over all previous domains, including .com, .tel also represents the true reality and nature of how all interaction begins.

I now have over 400 .tel domains registered, all during the Landrush and General Availability periods. Although I intend to renew, develop, and maintain them all as useful support for individuals and businesses everywhere, reality may dictate the need to look at a variety of options in the future. TelPages and .tel being the future of all starting points virtually guarantees that .tel has the ability to far surpass all other TLDs in value. Don't count on me letting go of any of my .tel domains anytime soon though!

As for the TelPages Directory, there is no other TLD exclusive search engine that has all the .tel advantages unto itself. Aside from having no other TLDs to wade through, TelPages has a unique advantage in that the .tel domain itself helps to act as a catalyst for Search Term and Keyword ranking. This represents an organic results advertising advantage like no other. Outside TelPages, .tel domains have SEO advantages because of their DNS-based characteristics and relevance. It is amazing what .tel will do for the visibility of Individuals and Businesses moving forward in a global environment. The applications and reach with .tel into all we do is virtually limitless.

In summary, there are two things that are always guaranteed to be major disadvantages in life, isolation and obsolescence. With TelPages and .tel you can be sure that you won't have these two major strikes against you as you move forward with your personal and business endeavors! Best wishes and good Luck to everyone!

Read full story

My.tel 2.0 is available

At Macworld 2010, Telnic is presenting the new My.tel 2.0, an iPhone application for managing your .tel domains from the palm of your hand. New features include:

  • Complete management capabilities: anything you can do in your control panel is now possible with an iPhone application
  • New navigation and editing interfaces
  • Multiple domains under management
  • Built-in "buy-now" link to purchase new domains straight from the device
My.tel 2.0

Link to my .tel, and I'll link to yours

Experience from .tel community members shows that cross-linking .tel resources can have a positive effect on search rankings. Here are a few ideas for boosting your SEO and making your .tel more useful:

Promoting websites

Link from any websites, social profiles and online resources to your .tel page, and link back from the .tel page to those resources.

Offering shortcuts

A large directory-like .tel resource can offer multiple navigation paths: A-Z, by location, by product, etc. Whichever you choose, the goal is to reach the destination page in fewer steps. With cross-linking, you can flatten the .tel structure, so that one navigation path quickly leads to content pages, while others link to them. For example, europeferries.tel and europeanferries.tel are cross-linked to allow you to choose your destination and then the ferry company working that route.

Related resources

oxfordstreet.tel has started the idea to link together .tel domains on related subjects. Cross-linking with other community .tel domains creates a meshed network of relevant information that search engines find authoritative, so why not extend your 'link love' with others easily by cross posting links to each others relevant .tel names. See who is interested in cross-linking by signing up to the community forum.


Congratulations to this month's winners of our .telebrity competition, well done!

For the rest of the community, you can still win a Flip HD camera. However, March is going to be the last month of the first run of the competition. Don't miss this last chance to become famous in the .tel world — submit your story today at http://telnic.org/community-telebrity.html.

Best Directory:


Roy Gavin with local town directory chagford.tel provides a reference of local businesses in his manually-maintained .tel resource.

"I chose Chagford for my first active site because it is a small town that I can get around on foot. I wanted to prove to myself that it is possible to build a meaningful site, capable of generating a modest income, that can be maintained manually. Most importantly, my site tells people it is optimised for mobile communication. I have a lot of .tel domains and I will populate and develop them as quickly as I can. Now I don't have enough time, but I am excited by my Plan and its possibilities."

  • Successful directory
  • Dual notation for phone numbers (local + international)
Best Multinational:: Mediaworks.tel


MediaWorks provides companies with effective IT solutions to enhance corporate image, elevate online capabilities, improve IT infrastructure, and maximize business performance.
With multiple locations, the company needs a central place to bring together all their contact details, offices and online resources. They now use .tel as their contact hub at the new community portal, www.people.mediaworks.name.
As Massimiliano Miecchi from Mediaworks Italia explains, "Mediaworks.tel was a fantastic tool to promote our activity, and we are growing very fast!"

  • Language-specific areas
  • Cross-linking folders
  • Direct contact details + folders
Best Small Business:


Nickolay, a businessman from Ukraine, uses his .tel page as a contact hub to stay in touch with clients and partners.

"Nickolay.tel is my official brand. I use my .tel page in all advertising materials, as the company name on official papers, on business cards and stationery, as well as on product stickers, transport and employees' uniforms. My phone's ringtone is "Nickolay.tel" and we have a flag with the name on the premises. I've also created a folder with the city phone book to store all the useful numbers in one place. This phonebook is accessible from any device, uses very little traffic, and enables click-to-call for any number you need."

  • .tel as a company brand
  • Personal page + phonebook

Copyright © 2010, Telnic Ltd.

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