jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Why everybody will own a website in the future?

After 25 years the internet is still a young technology. In 10 years we will laugh about the technology state in the year 2012 which is just the beginning of another technology revolution.
After refrigerators, cars, computers and televisions have started actively communicating with human beings or acting even automatically (by ordering depleted milk, ordering mechanics or telling us about our daily time schedules and routing us to places to go without asking us first), the world will have changed.
Websites are usually owned by businesses and internet property investors.
Compared with the whole world population the amount of individuals owning a website is a very small minority.
But how we can handle the upcoming information overflow without having a home in the virtual world?
Everybody has a home address in the real world; but where is your home in the cyberspace where people spend more and more time?
Is it Facebook or do we need our internet property owned by us and under our own control?
Everybody has a telephone number; but why I can type a name like Ebay.com for opening a website, and at the same time I have to dial a numeric, not memorable phone number for reaching their customer support?
I want to dial “Ebay” to call – just like I type “Ebay” to browse!
The only reason why I can’t do this is because telecommunication technology is old and 100 years ago the support for advanced data transmissions and interfaces didn’t exist.
It’s time phone providers will arrive in our very present!
Staying in contact will not happen via phone numbers anymore, because this kind of connection is not always available and too inflexible.
Since younger people like to spend their time on Facebook, the question must be if you really want to collect ALL your private data ONLY for the reason to deliver your private life and your complete personality to the advertising industry just for free.
In terms of success there are 2 possibilities for Facebook:
  • Failing like Yahoo or MySpace, because somebody else has offered something better.
  • Or becoming an indispensable resource like Google, Ebay or Amazon, because it gives you a real benefit (more than just being entertained).
My bet for Facebook is there will be something better, because at the end nobody wants to be controlled by Big Brother.
In the next years internet, telephone and automatism will merge in an incredible way. How you want to keep the overview about all your connections – and more importantly how you want to have a stable interface which connects all human beings and machineries?
Since the virtual life is based on the Domain Name System (DNS), of course in the long run there will be no other way than owning your own domain in the World Wide Web.
The shortcut for communication is saving all important data inside of the DNS directly. For many purposes of the future life I don’t need a website; I just need an address to be reachable.
At the same time I need a security system which allows me to share my personal data only with people I want to.
For sure with the new internet protocol IPv6 every human, every computer and every technical item will have its own IP address; but who wants to memorize it? Don’t we need a clear pronounceable name instead?
For me it is clear there is one perfect fit for this scenario: networking (social & technical) based on domains.
At the moment .tel domains are the only technology that provides the foundation for connecting all people of the world without the need of knowing about IP addresses, phone numbers, serial numbers of computers and location positions of mobile items and technologies.
I can’t look to the future, but I know in the future people will need tools and orientation in the virtual world which has started and will continue to grow excessively.
Therefore there is no other way for everybody than to be findable and to be addressable. What other solution can this be than owning your own internet domain?
Author: TelTalk

Revistas libros Escritura Diseño escritura Domino .tel Neutrinos Distribuidores libros Circulos cosechas TIC RFID  crop cicle Sima Jinamar 

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