domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Originally Posted by telrific
Google says there are over 2,750,000 people named Smith in the U.S. alone - I don't that was ever meant to be a .tel directory !
There is no restriction to the number of sub domains if you can have your own hosting service for your tel domains. There is NO limit as such. Then you will be able to provide a page each for all Smiths in the U.S. If that many people are interested getting a page like that, then we will definitely start our own tel domain hosting business. But first we must see if we can get 3->30->300->3000 then beyond 3000 (we have discussed this before, I think about 2 years ago). 2 years ago the technology was different and in 2 years from now different again, very much improved.

Beyond 3000 will be the proper tel directory service.

P.S. And when there is a search engine like, people would not bother where the page is coming from. Who cares if it is a sub domain or a single page tel domain or the colour of the background. All they need from a tel directory is contact information.

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