sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

El futuro del dominio .tel

Pues yo sigo soñando y el futuro en los próximos 10 años lo veo claro:
.-A los hogares llegará fibra, 100 Mb, y la tele la veremos en alta definición, pero será IP. Es decir al garete Viadigital e imagenio.
.-Con Cada servicio IP que contratemos, será IPv6 y eso significa que nos van a dar no una IP, sino un rango que IP que se está discutiendo, pero más de mil.
.-M2M los aparatos electrodomesticos vendrán con un chip que en corta distancia se conectará con nuestro router de la fibra, y así podrémos conectar los aparatos para ser monitorizados en remoto, ideal en servicios de mantenimiento, o poner la lavadora en remoto 2 horas antes de llegar a casa.
.- En móviles sera el 4G, el LTE, eso significa todo, absolutamente todo IPv6, y estandar único para todo el mundo. Las velocidades será de 100 Mb, aunque compartidas, luego el gran problema es que no se van a poder ver pelis por el móvil, ya que saturarán la red, luego aquí habrá que pagar para que el paquete de voz salga priorizado y se oiga bien.
.-No habrá más estaciones de móviles, solo las actuales, las cuales bajarán a la frecuencia que ha dejado libre la televisión analógica,por lo que llegará la señal al doble de distancia, eso sí, no habrá mucha capacidad de velocidad. A no ser que el gobierno piense un poco más, y haya gente que entienda y en vez del desastre que han hecho ahora de dividir los anchos en vez de en 3, lo han pasado a 4, por lo que técnicamente es imposible aumentar la velocidad mucho. Lo que tienen que hacer es crear un solo operador que gestione toda la red y así tendrá muchisima velocidad y a partir de ahí crear operadores móviles virtuales que serían los que vendan a los minoristas.
.-La femtocelulas tendrán futuro, es decir ya que tengo 100 Mb en la fibra de mi casa, ahí pongo mi pequeña estación de telefonica móvil, por lo que puedo dar cobertura al vecino. Es decir, menos estaciones de transmisión de mucha potencia y más dañinas para la salud, y más estaciones pequeñas, de menos potencia y menos dañinas, las cuales al tener fibra en los hogares funcionaran muy bien.
.-Google y sus videos, no lo va a tener tan fácil, pues consumirá mucho caudal y las operadoras le obligarán a pagar el tráfico, y cuando tenga que hacerlo ya no será tan rentable, así que se irá seleccionando solo el tráfico de mucha calidad, lo que ellos dicen que solo quieron aquello hecho por alguien que realmente ama lo que hace.
.- Los números de teléfono desapareceran y todo seran nombres, y la conmutación principal se hará en los DNS que para eso son, y ahí cogeran mucha importancia los dominios .tel.
.-Todas las aplicaciones estarán en la nube, así que se acabó eso de descargarse aplicaciones, por eso apple ha pagado 4 millones de euros por el dominio icloud.com nuestro móvil tendrá un escritorio virtual que estará en la nube. Vamos, parecido a los citrix de ahora.
.-La banca tendrá que reducir mucho las oficinas, cuestan mucho dinero y aportarán muy poco. Así que al garete muchos empleados de la banca.
.-La geolocalización será muy imporante, sobre todo en el móvil. Pulsando un boton aparecerá un mapa y en dicho mapa saldrá donde estás y lo importante aparecerá todo lo que hay a tu alrededor y que la gente haya puesto de una forma fácil y dinamica. Alguien tendrá que gestionar todo esto y se generarán nuevos negocios a su alrededor.
.-Toda la conmutación de señal de los operadores será IMS, es decir conmutarán en IPv6 y señalización multimedia, la red NGIN (osea la NGN inteligente). Es decir las operadoras de comunicaciones necesitarán muy poco personal, y por eso tienen que prejubilar, y por eso en Francia se suicidan sus empleados. O sea, al garete el empleo estable en telecomunicaciones.
.-Las administraciones públicas tendrán todos los datos en solo dos CDG (centro de datos gestionados) así que tendrán y tendremos acceso a toda la información en remoto, así que al garete los informáticos de ayuntamientos, diputaciones, comunidades autónomas.
.-La prensa y televisión, estará tan segmentada que será dificil mantener grandes ingresos por publicidad. Los servicios de calidad, las pelis de calidad, los libros de calidad, la música de calidad... habrá que pagarla. Al garete muchos periodistas con mentalidad clásica, y al garete emule, pues las medidas de pirateo se endurecerán.
.-Internet internet y todo lo relacionados con domainers y web creadas, tendrán que ser precisas y exactas. Es decir la web semantica será una realidad, y tú haras preguntas exactas y te responderá preguntas exactas. Los IDN cogeran bastante más poder que lo que tienen ahora, que es cero.
.-Las redes sociales como facebook, twitter, tuenti y demás, perderán valor, ya que el usuario nunca tiene control de lo que hay ahí, no puede ganar dinero, los contenidos cada vez serán peores.

Así que muchas cosas se irán al garete, pero habrá futuro, mucho futuro, y estará centrado en 7 palabras: FTTH, IPv6,Cloud, .tel, LTE, M2M, geolocalización

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Y ahora a aprender que son los coupons en un dominio .tel

Visualize your Local Coupons and Offers with .Tel

With the recent ability to insert images into your .tel domain, small business owners have been able to include coupons and offers for the past couple of months. These are generally displayed as banners.

With TelView, owners now have the added capability to have their coupons show up on the map. Although there is yet to be a standard set for the discovery of coupons, we can still show them in TelView. The big advantage to the .tel owner is that there is NO ADVERTISING COST and in addition, you control when you place offers – in real-time. The push is near-instant, taking less than 5 minutes to propagate the DNS (internet). The community learns about offers in minutes.

Here's a live example as found via TelView. It's just an experiment as there is no standard yet for storing coupons. This might just be one implementation – many are possible, as are display formats.

Dot Tel Coupons On The Map

Tel Is On The Map

Tel is now literally "on the map" with the introduction of TelView (www.TelView.co and sister site www.OnTheMap.tel). TelView is a free app that lets communities see what is around them in real-time. No longer is .tel just a single point of contact, it now enables small business .tel owners to control their advertising costs and push timely information to their consumers. TelView shows the viewer what .tel-specific businesses and services are near to them and what offers they have. TelView is a conceptual application, waiting on standards to be further developed into a full-fledged tool.

.Tel Visualization

When you think about it, Telpages (www.telpages.com) is a repository of great information but it isn't used or known. So instead of searching, maybe the better way is to use Tel domains as the vehicle for pushing local information to consumers, where anything that needs to be found or disseminated could be found at .tel sites in real-time in the consumers vicinity. That way viewers find local stores, products,  services, coupons, offers and more through both mobile and browser apps that would be developed by Telnic and/or the community. And it would appeal to SMB because the cost is a miniscule $10-$20 per year compared to hundreds and thousands for YP listings. Helping SMB reduce advertising costs is one aspect of TelView. The other is discoverability.

When you look at TelView, what we are trying to do is make any .tel a dominant vehicle for displaying local information without the need for advertising. This puts the SMB owner in control at all times.

The power of .tel will be showcased through visualization. This is our ideal marketing vehicle

A Killer App for Critical Mass

Visualization of tel data is a killer app – these apps can be developed quickly and cheaply and given away to promote tel. The ability to show live, local information will sell itself to SMB and when promoted locally by the owners themselves, should go a long way to exposing .tel and gaining the critical mass we need. With an arsenal of visual apps, one can easily sell .tel to SMB.

OnTheMap/TelView is a prototype project with a simple HTML5 mapping app. HTML5 is device independent and is fast becoming the new web standard. For the short term HTML5 could be used. However, since mobile apps are more robust, ideally mobile versions should be developed. Visualization apps must be free to use and freely distributed. Given some standards and tools, the community can certainly enhance the apps.


To take full advantage of visualization, we need some standards.  These must be thought out carefully, however shouldn't impede progression of visualization apps. This is an open call to Telnic and the community to set the standards and create additional infrastructure to support this initiative.

Discovery Optin: to permit the display of a site in any certified visualization tool, the owner designates whether or not to have their site appear visually in approved tools. SMB will set theirs to true, because they want discovery by app users. Individuals may not want to be displayable.

Originator:true indicates the site is the true source of real-time information, ie the owner of the information. Directories that replicate information are not originators so should set false. This sets a priority for display. This will allow a tool to show the single real-time source, as currently multiple icons show up that are not originators, ie directories with geo links. If no other original source is available, then a non-originating source would be displayed instead. Directory owners who set the originator field to true just to compete locally can be easily negated by having the apps default to a do not display subdomains filter. Most owners will place their information on the main page for visibility. Directory owners cannot do that. TelView already has such an option.

Primary Category: ISO is best matching against existing directory (YP, etc) keywords that people are familiar with. From a drop down list. The tool would match icons to categories. I currently have code to match some domains against 800 Google mapping icons but code is not the long term answer. Perhaps a simpler set of categories could be created (with alternate languages as needed) to accommodate most common services people search for.

Custom map icon: a URL to override a default icon selected by the app. Has to be validated as 40 pixels or less, since Google maps will accept anything so we need a standard. Having a simple drop down of common icons eg shoes, bakery, taxi shouldn't be confusing for the average Joe, especially when visualization is promoted.

Display Standards: for map visualization elements such as balloon caption and preview panel contents.

Coupon Storage and Display: Support at least two new search keyword TXT types 'cpn' and 'cpnx' for coupons. CPN indicates the type of coupon attached to the (sub)domain. CPNX would be a timestamp for coupon expiration. The coupon itself would an ad image record. So the cpn value would be 1-6 matching the ad record types. This would indicate which tel image to render in the app. Alternatively, and more desirable, maintain a new tel ad image subtype 7 for coupon image of 250×250 size.

¿El futuro de los dominios .tel está en la geolocalizacion?

Internet probe can track you down to within 690 metres

Online adverts could soon start stalking you. A new way of working out where you are by looking at your internet connection could pin down your current location to within a few hundred metres.

Similar techniques are already in use, but they are much less accurate. Every computer connected to the web has an internet protocol (IP) address, but there is no simple way to map this to a physical location. The current best system can be out by as much as 35 kilometres.

Now, Yong Wang, a computer scientist at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu, and colleagues at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, have used businesses and universities as landmarks to achieve much higher accuracy.

These organisations often host their websites on servers kept on their premises, meaning the servers' IP addresses are tied to their physical location. Wang's team used Google Maps to find both the web and physical addresses of such organisations, providing them with around 76,000 landmarks. By comparison, most other geolocation methods only use a few hundred landmarks specifically set up for the purpose.

Closing in

The new method zooms in through three stages to locate a target computer. The first stage measures the time it takes to send a data packet to the target and converts it into a distance – a common geolocation technique that narrows the target's possible location to a radius of around 200 kilometres.

Wang and colleagues then send data packets to the known Google Maps landmark servers in this large area to find which routers they pass through. When a landmark machine and the target computer have shared a router, the researchers can compare how long a packet takes to reach each machine from the router; converted into an estimate of distance, this time difference narrows the search down further. "We shrink the size of the area where the target potentially is," explains Wang.

Finally, they repeat the landmark search at this more fine-grained level: comparing delay times once more, they establish which landmark server is closest to the target. The result can never be entirely accurate, but it's much better than trying to determine a location by converting the initial delay into a distance or the next best IP-based method. On average their method gets to within 690 metres of the target and can be as close as 100 metres – good enough to identify the target computer's location to within a few streets.

Client independent

That kind of accuracy normally requires people to deliberately disclose their location, but Wang's method works without the user's permission. "This is a client-independent method," as he puts it. "The client does not need to approve anything."

You can avoid any geolocation method by routing traffic through a proxy server, which makes you appear to be elsewhere. Wang can't get around this, but says he can detect proxies and so he can at least return a null result rather than a false positive.

Although Wang's method could potentially allow adverts to target a certain street, advertisers may prefer to retain broader messages. "The majority of brands wouldn't necessarily want to go to that much granularity," says Jack Wallington at the Internet Advertising Bureau in London. He says the method could be useful in certain situations, however, such as targeting hungry office workers with vouchers for nearby takeaway food outlets.

Wang presented the research last week at the Usenix Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation in Boston.

¿Cómo saben la localización de nuestro PC fijo? El dato marca el futuro de los dominios .tel

Internet probe can track you down to within 690 metres

Online adverts could soon start stalking you. A new way of working out where you are by looking at your internet connection could pin down your current location to within a few hundred metres.

Similar techniques are already in use, but they are much less accurate. Every computer connected to the web has an internet protocol (IP) address, but there is no simple way to map this to a physical location. The current best system can be out by as much as 35 kilometres.

Now, Yong Wang, a computer scientist at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu, and colleagues at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, have used businesses and universities as landmarks to achieve much higher accuracy.

These organisations often host their websites on servers kept on their premises, meaning the servers' IP addresses are tied to their physical location. Wang's team used Google Maps to find both the web and physical addresses of such organisations, providing them with around 76,000 landmarks. By comparison, most other geolocation methods only use a few hundred landmarks specifically set up for the purpose.

Closing in

The new method zooms in through three stages to locate a target computer. The first stage measures the time it takes to send a data packet to the target and converts it into a distance – a common geolocation technique that narrows the target's possible location to a radius of around 200 kilometres.

Wang and colleagues then send data packets to the known Google Maps landmark servers in this large area to find which routers they pass through. When a landmark machine and the target computer have shared a router, the researchers can compare how long a packet takes to reach each machine from the router; converted into an estimate of distance, this time difference narrows the search down further. "We shrink the size of the area where the target potentially is," explains Wang.

Finally, they repeat the landmark search at this more fine-grained level: comparing delay times once more, they establish which landmark server is closest to the target. The result can never be entirely accurate, but it's much better than trying to determine a location by converting the initial delay into a distance or the next best IP-based method. On average their method gets to within 690 metres of the target and can be as close as 100 metres – good enough to identify the target computer's location to within a few streets.

Client independent

That kind of accuracy normally requires people to deliberately disclose their location, but Wang's method works without the user's permission. "This is a client-independent method," as he puts it. "The client does not need to approve anything."

You can avoid any geolocation method by routing traffic through a proxy server, which makes you appear to be elsewhere. Wang can't get around this, but says he can detect proxies and so he can at least return a null result rather than a false positive.

Although Wang's method could potentially allow adverts to target a certain street, advertisers may prefer to retain broader messages. "The majority of brands wouldn't necessarily want to go to that much granularity," says Jack Wallington at the Internet Advertising Bureau in London. He says the method could be useful in certain situations, however, such as targeting hungry office workers with vouchers for nearby takeaway food outlets.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Y los dominios .tel acaban de llegar a facebook

Aún recuerdo cuando me pasó un buscador que me dijo que iba a cambiar todo, tenía un nombre raro y se llamaba google, yo simplemente empecé a probar palabras.

Pues esa misma sensación tengo hoy con la nueva aplicación que se acaba de poner en facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/telonthemap/

Sencillamente detecta la posición geográfica en donde estás y a partir de ahí te da todos los dominios .tel que están en el alrededor, pudiendo seleccionar categorías, distancia y demás.

Si no localiza tu posición, simplemente en location pones el lugar que quieras buscas, por ejemplo Madrid, y pulsas "set location" y luego pulsas "go" y ya aparece lo buscado.

Aunque es versión 0.0 y con muchos problemas, lo importante es el concepto, yo puedo saber la localización de un móvil, y puedo dar muy fácilmente las coordenadas geográficas de un lugar, por ejemplo una peluquería. Así que lo lógico es que si tengo problemas, por ejemplo que se me ha roto el coche, coja el móvil, apriete el botón del .tel y me lleve a http://telview.co/nearmenow.php y ahora escriba grúas, e inmediatamente sabe mi posición geográfica y sabe las posiciones geográficas de las grúas más cercanas, así que me las muestra en la pantalla del móvil. Lógicamente sobra con ver el dominio .tel y una pequeña descripción, para yo saber donde llamar.
Aunque google maps de google es parecido, pero tiene el gran problema de la dificultad de darse de alta, de la cantidad de información mostrada, de que es difícil cambiar un dato, en fin demasiado estricto. Sin embargo la idea de telview es que es dinámica y automática, es decir todo dueño de un dominio .tel es libre de modificar los datos instantáneamente, y sobre todo en dicho dominio puede poner absolutamente toda la información que desee.
En fin, un pequeño gran paso en la evolución de los dominios .tel, pero un gran paso conceptual de lo que va a ser el futuro en las comunicaciones.

I am happy to announce that Tel On The Map is now officially a FaceBook APP in their directory. It uses the same code as Telview.And the keyword search feature now works so you can find a beer or shoe store near you - except for the odd time it returns tels without a map entry (Telnic fix on the way to Telpages API).

El dominio .tel es cool

Telnic es designado Proveedor "Cool" 2011 en el Informe sobre Computación en Contexto
LONDRES, 21/04/2011 /PR Newswire Latinoamerica/ -- Telnic Limited (http://telnic.tel), el operador de registro para el nuevo dominio de nivel superior .tel (TLD), anunció hoy que ha sido designado como uno de los seis Proveedores "Cool" del Informe 2011 sobre de Computación en Contexto elaborado por Gartner, que se publica este mes.

El informe, que está disponible en Gartner, destaca las ventajas de la plataforma basada en DNS para publicación en tiempo real de Telnic.

Diversas organizaciones, desde páginas amarillas de Internet a operadores de telefonía móvil y proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones, pueden marcar una notable diferencia en sus servicios al integrar el dominio .tel en su oferta, y brindar a sus clientes opciones inteligentes en tiempo real y en función del contexto.

Comentó Justin Hayward, Director de Desarrollo de Negocios de Telnic: "Estamos encantados de haber sido incluidos en este informe anual sobre computación en contexto, porque creemos que éste es un sector extraordinariamente atractivo y emergente. La arquitectura .tel ofrece una plataforma clave para que los servicios tecnológicos sean más personalizados e inteligentes, y permite un verdadero cambio de ritmo en las comunicaciones y la experiencia de servicios de contacto, tanto para consumidores finales como para usuarios comerciales".

Para obtener más información sobre Telnic y los nombres .tel, visite http://telnic.org. Los clientes de Gartner que deseen ver una copia del informe pueden entrar a http://gartner.com .

Acerca del proceso de selección de proveedores "cool"

Las listas de Gartner no constituyen una enumeración exhaustiva de proveedores en ningún área tecnológica específica, sino que están diseñadas para destacar a los proveedores, productos y servicios más interesantes, novedosos e innovadores. Gartner no asume responsabilidad por ninguna garantía, expresa o implícita, con respecto a esta investigación, lo que incluye cualquier garantía de valor comercial o de idoneidad para un propósito determinado. Gartner define a un proveedor "cool" como la compañía que ofrece soluciones o tecnologías que son innovadoras, porque permiten al usuario hacer cosas que no podía hacer antes; que tienen o tendrán impacto comercial (no tecnología por la tecnología misma), y que han suscitado el interés o la curiosidad de Gartner en los seis meses anteriores, aproximadamente.

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jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Otro premio para los dominios .tel

Telnic Named a Cool Vendor 2011 in Context-Aware Computing Report

LONDON, April 21 /CNW/ - Telnic Limited (http://telnic.tel), the Registry Operator for the .tel top level domain (TLD), today announced that it had been named as one of six vendors in the Gartner Cool Vendor in Context-Aware Computing 2011 Report released this month.

The report, available from Gartner, highlights the benefits of Telnic's DNS-based, real-time publishing platform.

Organisations from internet yellow pages (IYPs) to mobile operators and Communications Service Providers (CSPs) can dramatically differentiate their services by integrating .tel into their offerings and provide real-time, intelligent context-aware options for their customers.

Justin Hayward, Business Development Director at Telnic, said: "We're delighted to be included in this annual report on context-aware computing as we believe this is an incredibly exciting and emerging sector. The .tel architecture provides a key platform in making technology services more personalized and intelligent, enabling a real step-change in the communications and contact service experience for consumers and business users alike."

For more information about Telnic and .tel names, please visit http://telnic.org. Gartner clients wishing to see a copy of the report can visit http://gartner.com.

About the Cool Vendor Selection Process

Gartner's listing does not constitute an exhaustive list of vendors in any given technology area, but rather is designed to highlight interesting, new and innovative vendors, products and services. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness of a particular purpose. Gartner defines a cool vendor as a company that offers technologies or solutions that are: Innovative, enable users to do things they couldn't do before; Impactful, have, or will have, business impact (not just technology for the sake of technology); Intriguing, have caught Gartner's interest or curiosity in approximately the past six months

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Yo tambien amo mis dominios .tel

My name is now my unique business card!

.tel is a great tool and has taken introduction to the next level, like James Bond when he said, "The name is Bond, James Bond". People never heard anyone introducing themselves in such a novel and convincing manner.

Farhan Mughal, head of corporate communications at Ali & Sons Co., UAE


You can be out of office but not out of touch

Since day one, the ease of use in setting up and maintaining our .tel has been fantastic. We can add as much or as little information as we'd like and can change it anywhere, anytime and almost instantly. Our .tel page provides our clients with various ways in which they can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Jill Carr, experienced human resources specialist, Florida, USA


Now I get found on Google!

I am absolutely delighted with my .tel and, among other things, it has contributed massively to the SEO of my website. For real convenience, all I have to do is tell my customers to type 'overvoice' into Google and they can find me easily.

Anthony Richardson, professional voice over artist, UK


.tel enables me to be reachable at all times

With .tel, our clients always have access to up-to-date contact details and current availability. Business cards are fine but we don't expect our clients to carry ours around in their wallets! We have also found the free "my.tel" iPhone app is particularly useful for making changes while on the move.

Captain Terry Ogg, marine professional, UK


.tel is the best value marketing tool for all my brands

.tel is one application with huge leverage potential for my brands and business interests. It's the world's largest Rolodex and I get to slip my card into it - how cool is that?!

George Moen, president of Blenz Coffee, Canada


It's mine for the rest of my life

I don't need to write down or give people information about my business, my location, my phone number, my email address, my Twitter page, or my website. I just tell people my .tel, which is great!

Heidi Bjork, artist and ex-model, Iceland


Changing my contact information is so simple!

Our .tel appears ahead of our .com website on business cards. It puts all our contact information in one place and helps easily tailor the content. For example, when on holiday I can quickly hide the mobile numbers to be undisturbed but still be able to keep an eye on email on my mobile.

Martine Middleton, project management consultant, UK


I can just focus on where I am performing next

What's great with .tel is you can say goodbye to large phonebooks and useless paperwork. The information is quickly accessible. It is very practical for someone like me who is constantly on the move.

Pascal du Four, musician, Canada


Only with .tel I am in complete control

In a sea of websites, people find it difficult to locate the right phone number or email address, while business owners struggle to update company contact information across all media. Only our .tel lets us quickly point online visitors to changing information that they can find easily.

Valerie Lynn Booth, from Air Tour America, USA


For us, transparency is key

Our .tel has added value in terms of search engine optimization with Google, so that's another way for clients to find us. We want to be accessible to clients in ways that suit their needs, and our .tel summarizes all the ways to access our website and contact our company in one simple location.

Toby Barrazuol, president of Eclipse Awards, Canada


People can just punch in my .tel to contact me

My customers are not always in front of their computers, they're here, there and everywhere, they're driving and walking around. Seeing our car with our .tel on it, they can just punch in the name and see all the phone numbers, everything they need.

Steve Collins, taxi company owner in Cotswolds, UK


.tel mobilises our fans wherever they are

We can store all information and links needed for our fans, media and anyone interested in learning more about the band. It's a really friendly tool and helps us be more visible on the World Wide Web.

Seven Nation Army, music band, Poland


Now I won't go unnoticed on the web

A .tel name offers a wide range of marketing tools, including built-in search engine optimisation, that won't let you go unnoticed and undiscoverable in the online space. My .tel helps me market my business online, and all I need to do is simply keep it up to date.

Anna Sokolenko, marketing specialist and .tel enthusiast, Russia


If people find me they always know where my owners are!

My name is Bowser and I have my own .tel page. I know there are lots of others out there with .tels, but I think I may be the first dog. Check out my photos and favourite videos on YouTube. Also, if I go and play with my mates, people will know where my owners live, and will take me home.

Bowser, shepard and leonberger mix, Canada


.tel helps me keep on the cutting edge!

My .tel did not take long at all to populate, but it sure is a time-saver in passing on my contact information to others. If I had to write down all those URLs on the back of a card or napkin every time I wanted to give someone my contact info, it would take forever!

Dan Meyer, CED of the Sword Swallowers Association International, USA


lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

todo sobre el mes de abril en los dominios .tel

Text Box:

April 2011  | © Telnic Ltd. 

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Industry news
New features
Your stories
.tel the world


Welcome to .telegraph, the monthly .tel community newsletter covering the latest news in the .tel industry, new features and services, as well as interviews and useful tips from .tel owners worldwide. 

If you wish to participate in the next issue of .telegraph, please write to us at community@telnic.org. And why not share this with someone you think may also be interested? For more resources, please visit http://telnic.org/community-landing.html.

New Quick Setup tool

In an effort to make .tel names even more accessible, we've launched a Quick Setup tool in the .tel control panel accessible for all new users and those who haven't set up their .tel pages yet.

In three simple steps, .tel owners can now quickly input, preview and then publish their business contact information, social media links and location information, creating a clean and simple online presence that is both accessible for search engines and mobile friendly.

We hope the Quick Setup tool will help beginners, especially those who don't find technology that easy to grasp. If you are able to fill in a web form, then you can follow the Quick Setup to publish all of your contact information online. As long as you have one .tel name in your account, and haven't had a chance to populate it yet, you will see the Quick Setup tool when you login to your control panel.

All-numeric and short .tel names

.tel quick setup tool

Soon you'll be able to register a numeric-only or a short two-character .tel name, so check if your .tel provider is participating in the coming launch. Make sure you're on board if you:

 Have any 2-letter or all-numeric brands or trademarks

 Use vanity numbers in marketing and want to get their keyboard-numeric versions

 Want to be known by your initials or have a penchant for lucky numbers

 Wish to run a service or a marketing campaign using a short-code number

Turkey Yellow Pages integrates .tel

Trevor Nadeau, Managing Director for Turkey Yellow Pages, said: "As the established provider of verified business listings in Turkey, we're constantly looking at the development of the internet and new technologies to provide our customers with the greatest audience.  With .tel, we can provide an integrated, location-ready and mobile optimized site that will really complement all of our investments in the mobile internet, apps and better discoverability for our clients."

Located in Kavacik, Istanbul and with more than 600,000 verified business listings and over 2.5 million unique visitors per month, the Yellow.com.tr platform of products has become Turkey's trusted destination for business listing information.

Trevor Nadeau, Turkey Yellow Pages

Dual-language information is of growing importance to businesses in Turkey.  According to statistics from the Turkish Culture and Tourism Office, the number of visitors to Turkey exceeded 27 million for the first time in 2009, with a 30% increase in visitors from the United States since 2006.  Additionally, relatively low (18%) penetration of smart phone devices in Turkey means that information needs to be delivered in a low-cost, optimized way for mobile access.

Ian Bowen-Morris, Chief Marketing Officer at Telnic, added: "With its simple set-up, ability to support multiple languages and its low cost of access over mobile devices, .tel provides a perfect promotional platform for businesses to market both to residents and visitors in Turkey.  Turkey Yellow Pages is a clear innovator in local search with excellent quality local business listings data at the core of its proposition.  .tel domains provide a smart way for its growing user base to access information quickly and conveniently from any PC or mobile, enhancing the online visibility of its clients. "

Fonecta to begin roll out of .tel names for its customers

This week, Telnic announced that Fonecta, the market leader in directory services and the fastest growing media company in Finland, is to begin registering .tel names. 110,000 businesses are using Fonecta's sales enhancement solutions and its comprehensive services are being addressed for information search more than 2.8 million times every day. Fonecta's services include search engine marketing, customer relationship marketing, digital direct marketing and search media.

Harri Aho, Vice President Fonecta Oy, said: "We're constantly looking at technology that can enhance our customers' visibility regardless of any device that they are searching from. For us, .tel is the important link in providing a service that spans all search and discovery environments at an investment level that is relatively low. We're looking forward to seeing the results .tel will provide our customers moving forward."

Shhh! Can you keep a secret?

One day very soon, you will login to update your .tel and see an invitation to participate in Beta testing of the all-new .tel control panel. Click the link to switch to the new interface to see some of the exciting new features and improvements, including:

  • Managing adverts and vouchers within the control panel

  • Uploading your own photos and logos

  • New ways to customise your .tel design

  • Quick links to social networks 

  • More intuitive interface

To start with, you will be able to switch between the new and the old control panels easily to benefit from the new and enhanced functionality, like managing adverts and new template designs, or go back to the old interface for any temporarily hidden features.

In the months following the initial launch, the new control panel will be fully tested and enabled as the standard interface for all .tel owners worldwide. We hope it will help novice users discover the full .tel potential, while advanced .tel owners will have more flexibility in achieving their goals.

On the right is a sneak preview of what's coming in the new control panel, including a new Design interface with more flexibility, new templates and better user experience. For example, you will now be able to match any .tel page layout with any icon set and a compatible colour theme in three simple steps. More colour settings for individual sections of the page will remain available too.

Another important addition to the .tel control panel will be the Adverts tab for easy management of various .tel adverts. You will see where your advert fits on the page and what it looks like. In addition to text advertising options available today via system interfaces, the new control panel will include a new type of advert, the Voucher, for showcasing coupon codes. Small businesses will be able to use this simple tool to attract more sales.

We look forward to receiving your comments on the new interface once it's out. If you wish to comment on the Beta control panel, please write to us at community@telnic.org

.tel control panel - new design .tel control panel - new design

Biggest Czech hotel chain adopts .tel

Vojtech Probost, Orea Hotels

My name is Vojtech Probost and I work as e-marketing manager for the biggest Czech hotel chain based in Prague. My responsibility is to bring customers from the internet, manage and develop the main website and on-line advertising campaigns and promote the OREA HOTELS brand on-line. With 21 hotels in the most attractive places in the Czech Republic, it is crucial for us to be discoverable. Our aim is to make our customers as close as possible and to offer additional ways of how to reach us directly. We try to reflect customers' needs and provide information which is valuable and up-to-date on places where they spend their time and in a situation where they just want to stay informed. 

My first contact with .tel was about 10 months ago when the guys from CZTEL recommended it as a complement for our information delivery strategy. I found this technology very interesting and with great perspective for the future. We can now offer our clients something new and better our services.

My greatest experience has been from the way we manage our .tel sites. There are moments when I would very much appreciate the available contacts of other companies quickly. Complexity and simplicity are the biggest benefits of .tels. It corresponds with actual trends in on-line search and information services and allows the provider to offer to customers something more than others.

OREA is available in all the main on-line locations: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter  - and orea-hotels.tel is a complement that allows us to centralize contacts and links to all these places, spread our presence in search engines and cover an area of mobile presentation.

I expect business will come to .tel step by step. With the rising amount of data on the internet it will be necessary to distinguish types of information and to choose the best method to deliver it to users. .tel pages absolutely fits this with contact information. I also think that there catalogues specialized on .tel pages will start appearing, which will be structured by various criteria. So I believe the future of .tel is very bright :)

Pyramida hotel, Praha, Orea Hotels
Marianske Lazne Hotel, Orea Hotels

TelChina CEO triumphs in Business Awards

We're delighted to share the news that Lucy Wang, CEO of TelChina, won a significant award last month.

On March 27th, the 10th Awarding Ceremony for the Top Ten Businesswomen in China was staged in Beijing. Lucy was awarded the title of "Prominent New Businesswomen". This event was run by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. The event selects the most accomplished female entrepreneurs in China.

It's already garnered a host of press coverage and so we congratulate Lucy on her accomplishments in such a relatively short space of time, with TelChina being less than a year old.

Lucy Wang, TelChina

Notice every time the phone rings

Once you activate Google Analytics for your .tel, you can automatically see which contact items your visitors have clicked on. This information can help you identify how many leads your .tel is generating and improve the structure and content of your page.

To see activity details with your Google Analytics report, do this:

1. Click "View Report" for your .tel within the Analytics Overview page

2. On the left-hand side "Dashboard" links, select "Content" and then "Event Tracking"

In the report, each click of a contact item (including phone numbers and web links), user advert or rich content section is classed as an "event". You can modify the time period of the report at the top to get a broader insight.

Check back regularly to see any changes to visitor actions over time or through different campaigns that you run.

If you don't know how to setup Google Analytics for your .tel page, visit our "Hints and Tips" page for details, http://telnic.org/community-tips.html.

Google Analytics, event tracking for .tel domainHarri Aho, Fonecta

Harri Aho, VP Fonecta Oy

Fonecta logo

You say:


"I love all forms of motor sport, I love the technology and development; the efficiency of purpose. In drag racing we don't paint the chassis of the vehicle, the paint adds weight, our purpose is to accelerate as quickly as possible, if it doesn't help achieve that aim, it's not on the car, including the paint. I look at .tel the same way, it is about efficiency of purpose, everything in one place, easy to find and navigate, no heavy paint."

Read full story


Bare Essentials

What: two-character (aa.tel or a1.tel) and numeric-only domains between 2 and 7 digits with or without hyphens

How: First-come first-served basis through any participating registrar

When: From 3 p.m. BST on June 1st for Landrush; from 3 p.m. BST on June 14th for general availability

How much: Landrush will be at premium pricing, while general availability at regular pricing to be set by ICANN-accredited registrars and their resellers

.telegraph logo

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

También los turcos integran los dominios .tel

Turkey Yellow Pages integra los dominios .tel en las ofertas móviles

LONDRES, April 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Telnic Limited (http://telnic.tel), el operador de registro para el dominio de alto nivel (TLD) .tel, ha anunciado hoy que Turkey Yellow Pages (http://yellow.com.tr) es la última organización de páginas amarillas en integrar el servicio .tel en sus paquetes de publicidad online.

Trevor Nadeau, director administrativo de Turkey Yellow Pages, dijo: "Como el proveedor establecido de listas empresariales verificadas en Turquía, estamos buscando constantemente el desarrollo de Internet y nuevas tecnologías para ofrecer a nuestros clientes la mayor audiencia. Con .tel, podemos ofrecer un sitio integrado, listo para la localización y optimizado móvil que realmente complemente todas nuestras inversiones en Internet móvil, aplicaciones y mejor detectabilidad para nuestros clientes."

Localizada en Kavacik, Estambul, y con más de 600.000 listas empresariales verificadas y más de 2,5 millones de visitantes únicos al mes, la plataforma de productos Yellow.com.tr se ha convertido en el destino fiable de Turquía para la información de listas empresariales.

La información bilingüe es de creciente importancia para las empresas en Turquía. Según las estadísticas de la Oficina de Cultura y Turismo de Turquía[i], el número de visitantes a Turquía superó los 27 millones por primera vez en 2009, con un aumento del 30% en los visitantes de Estados Unidos desde 2006. Además, la penetración relativamente baja (18%) de dispositivos telefónicos inteligentes en Turquía[ii] significa que es necesario entregar la información de un modo optimizado y de bajo coste para el acceso móvil.

Ian Bowen-Morris, director de marketing en Telnic, añadió: "Con su sencilla configuración, capacidad para apoyar múltiples idiomas y su bajo coste de acceso en dispositivos móviles, .tel ofrece una perfecta plataforma promocional para las empresas que comercializan tanto a residentes como a visitantes en Turquía. Turkey Yellow Pages es un claro innovador en búsqueda local con datos de listas empresariales locales de excelente calidad en el centro de su propuesta. Los dominios .tel ofrecen una forma inteligente para que su creciente base de usuarios acceda a la información rápida y cómodamente desde cualquier ordenador o móvil, mejorando la visibilidad online de sus clientes."

Más información sobre .tel y Telnic puede encontrarse en http://telnic.org. Para descubrir cómo las pequeñas empresas y profesionales utilizan los dominios .tel, visite http://ILoveMyTel.com.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Se podrá pagar con los dominios .tel

TelChina y China Mobile crearán solución de pagos móvil con .tel

Telnic Limited anunció que su socio regional TelChina y China Mobile iniciaron una relación estratégica para desarrollar los servicios Mobile-Pay en la plataforma .tel. Se espera que la puesta en marcha de la primera fase sea para principios de mayo.

TelChina y China Mobile crearán solución de pagos móvil con .tel


Telnic Limited, el operador de registro para dominios de nivel superior .tel (TLD), anunció que su socio regional TelChina y China Mobile, una de las compañías de teléfonos móviles más grandes del mundo, han iniciado una relación estratégica para desarrollar los servicios Mobile-Pay (pagos móviles) en la plataforma .tel.

Lucy Wang, CEO de TelChina, dijo: "Desde que .tel combina las ventajas de la Internet y las telecomunicaciones, podrá proveer una plataforma de comunicaciones eficiente e integrada para los clientes de China Mobile en el futuro. El nivel de participación de los dueños .tel también infundirá nueva vitalidad a Mobile-Pay, motivando a más personas a usar sus teléfonos móviles para hacer pagos, que, a su vez aumentará los ingresos para los operadores." 

El desarrollo del proyecto se dividirá en varias fases. Se espera que la puesta en marcha de la primera fase sea para principios de mayo, permitiéndoles a los clientes de China Mobile comprar y renovar sus nombres .tel mediante un portal de Mobile-Pay accesible en sus dispositivos móviles.  Después de la implementación de la solución de pagos móvil, los usuarios podrán usar sus créditos de China Mobile para pagar sus nombres .tel parcialmente o en su totalidad más tarde este año.

El Sr. Xie Gang, portavoz de Mobile-Pay de China Mobile, dijo: "Mobile-Pay se está desplazando desde su etapa 1,0, que se basa principalmente en SMS, hacia su etapa 2,0, que se basa en WAP y los terminales basados en sensores. Esta colaboración con TelChina no sólo les ayudará a los clientes a simplificar el proceso de pago sino también aportará una plataforma optimizada para los servicios de China Mobile. Sobre esta plataforma, no hará falta que los usuarios ingresen a varios sitios Web para efectuar pagos, sino que se podrá realizar haciendo clic en un enlace Mobile-Pay en una página .tel." 

China Mobile también creará un canal dedicado para que los usuarios .tel paguen fácilmente sus compras en línea, facturas de servicios públicos y suscripciones de televisión por cable. Como proyecto clave de comercio electrónico apoyado por el país, Mobile-Pay de China Mobile tiene una ventaja singular. Al utilizar la red PSTN e IP de China Mobile, a través de las interfaces web, SMS, WAP e IVR, los usuarios pueden realizar las operaciones de comercio electrónico, tales como abrir una cuenta, verificar el saldo, efectuar un pago y retirar dinero sin tener que hacer cola en una ventanilla y llenar formularios complicados.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Una empresa más que quiere estar prensente en el futuro y se une a los dominios .tel

Fonecta comienza la implementación de los nombres .tel para sus clientes
martes, 12 abril 2011, 08:00
PRNewswireLONDRES12 de abril de 2011

LONDRES, 12 de abril de 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Telnic Limited (http://telnic.tel/), el operador de registros para el dominio de nivel superior (TLD) .tel, anunció hoy que Fonecta (http://www.fonecta.fi/), la compañía de medios de más rápido crecimiento de Finlandia, está comenzando a registrar nombres .tel.

Comentó Harri Aho, vicepresidente de Fonecta Oy: "Constantemente observamos las tecnologías que pueden mejorar la visibilidad de nuestros clientes, con independencia del dispositivo desde el cual hagan la búsqueda. Para nosotros, el dominio .tel es el enlace importante para prestar un servicio que abarca todos los entornos de búsqueda y descubrimiento, con un nivel de inversión relativamente bajo. Esperamos ver cómo avanzan los resultados que .tel les dará a nuestros clientes".

Ian Bowen-Morris, Director en Jefe de Marketing de Telnic, agregó: "Con la posición de liderazgo y la solidez de marca que tiene Fonecta en el mercado finlandés, a la hora de prestar servicios de comunicaciones de marketing que funcionan online consideramos que no hay un mejor socio con quien trabajar en la región, ni un mejor prestador de servicios para profesionales y pequeñas empresas para ayudarlos a hacer que sus nombres se encuentren en Internet".

Fonecta es el líder del mercado en servicios de directorios. 110,000 empresas utilizan las soluciones para mejora de ventas de Fonecta, y sus servicios integrales son consultados por búsquedas de información más de 2.8 millones de veces por día. Los servicios de Fonecta incluyen marketing de motores de búsqueda, marketing de relaciones con el cliente, marketing digital directo y medios de búsqueda.

Fonecta es miembro de European Directories, con operaciones comerciales en ocho países de la Unión Europea.