Featured .tel domainsNairobi.tel Featured .tel |
Brand Yourself - Yourself!
After ongoing discussions with the community, Telnic has enhanced .tel with a fresh new design, as well as easy customization and branding features. These updates come as part of the new look for all .tel pages, and allow custom colours and images. More useful customization features and templates will be introduced in the coming months.
We'd like to thank you all for the feedback you've provided on the design so far, and encourage everyone to check into their .tel control panel and customize their .tel names to reflect their own business brand or personal style.
Adding images and customizing the colour scheme are the first steps in a series of updates to the .tel design and .tel control panel, with a wizard, template gallery and other features to follow.
We hope you will enjoy these new features, and find them useful for your personal or business brand promotion. As always, you can share your views and ideas with us, and ask any questions with regards to the customization options, at our community address community@telnic.org.
![]() | Adding an image is easy. Simply click Add in the Logo area above the map on your Dashboard. You can either link to an image on the Internet, or pick a Gravatar image linked to an email address you used in your settings or contact items. A Gravatar is a free service for linking images to email addresses. Sign up to Gravatar by providing your email address and upload your image or link to it on the Web. Your control panel will display all Gravatars it finds linked from your .tel. Whatever method you choose to link to your graphic, enter a description to help search engines and screen readers identify it. If you only want your friends to see your graphic, make the link private in Advanced Options. |
The way your .tel page will look online is defined on the new Design tab of your control panel. With time, more customization features will be offered, but even now you have fine-grain control over the colour scheme of your .tel page, and can create a fully-branded resource. To adjust colours of your .tel page, use the numbered colour pickers on the Design tab of your control panel: 1 is for the top bar, 2 is for the title bar with your logo and title, and 3 is for the background. You can use the palette to pick your colour, or enter its hex code or RGB values as you would in any design software package. You can further adjust the colour with hue, saturation and brightness settings. If you already have a website and would like to match your .tel to its colour scheme, get the #colour code from the website styles and type into your colour picker. Click Save to apply changes to all folders in your .tel. To return to initial colours, click Restore Defaults. | ![]() |
New Global Directory—TelPages
![]() | The first version of TelPages is almost here—with a new clean design and optimized search results display—see screenshot on the left. We would like to thank all of those who fed back into this development process during the beta phase. More search features and options will be added later this year. Soon, your .tel page will also include a search box to use TelPages to quickly find information in the .tel global di-rectory—or on your own .tel domain. Searching for information inside a .tel structure will be especially useful for directories and large corporate .tel resources. Visitors will also be able to search "All .tel pages" and see TelPages search results in a new window—so owners of .tel portfolios and related projects will be able to effectively promote their resources as well. As the .tel owner, you will be able to enable or disable the Search box on your .tel, and to allow searching all .tel domains or this .tel only. |
![]() | ".tel will enable me to have access to all my contact information and organize my projects. I will also figure out a way how .tel will help me when I go to Europe. I go almost every month and I'm nervous to use my iPhone over there because I think it's going to cost me zillions. I'm very excited about Henri's card and soon mine will look just like that." John Stoneman, Architect, | ![]() |
Telnic wins European Seal of e-Excellence 2010
![]() | On March 3rd at the CeBIT tradeshow in Hannover, Telnic Ltd. was awarded the Silver European Seal of e-Excellence 2010, see details in the press release. This award recognizes ICT and digital media companies with an excellent track record in innovation marketing. The European Seal of e-Excellence is supported by EMF, a cross-stakeholders network of the digital media sector, and is a prime award for promoting marketing and innovation. |
Start earning with Google AdSense
![]() | Very soon, .tel names will start supporting Google AdSense. This leading advertising solution enables you to setup and display relevant Google adverts on your .tel page and earn money from click-through traffic. If you're not currently familiar with AdSense, see www.google.com/adsense. Setting up AdSense in your .tel name control panel is easy: simply click on the Settings link at the top of your control panel and then type in your Publisher ID and Advert ID then click save. Each Advert ID will display a block of up to 3 adverts to the right of your contact information on all PC browsers. If you wish to display more than three units, include a second Advert ID. The .tel page will then display 2 advertising blocks, one after the other, in the order you specified. |
.tel in Danish
All .tel visitors using Danish as their browser language will now automatically see .tel pages in this language. The translation is made in cooperation between Telnic and the largest Danish .tel registrar Larsen Data, GratisDNS.dk, who are very happy to make .tel more accessible for all Danish users.
Kristian Ørmen at Larsen Data said, "To put even more focus on .tel, we are going to have a booth on Opensource days in the coming weekend and will be giving out hundreds of free .tel domains to the participants of the conference. Beside that we will give all the participants an easy way to get more information about how they add .tel to their applications."
Lukas Ritzel: The future of WWW will be mobile
My name is Lukas Ritzel and I am a trend researcher, entrepreneur, professor at IMI University Centre (International Hotel Management Institute), Lucerne, and Grenoble Graduate School of Business in France, a writer of technical articles and soon a TEDx speaker at the next TEDx event in Zug. At IMI, we invest a substantial amount of time and money to be visible on the internet. Today's students use the internet as primary search media to find everything, from friends to products to their education of choice. Portals, blogs, YouTube, Facebook and corporate websites are the sources which help students to choose the most relevant college among the many available on the world. Since our students come mostly from countries which are very web and tech savvy, we must make sure that we support and provide our details and digital footprints not only on the PC but also more and more on other mobile devices, in particular mobile phones. | ![]() |
We were among the first in Switzerland joining this new trend and setup HotelManagementSchool.tel for internal communication. I've been presenting it since then to our 250 international students at IMI University Centre and they all have it stored on their local mobile phones. This enables them to easily communicate with us, especially when they newly arrive from their countries like Vietnam, Namibia, Canada and Jamaica. In a totally new environment, they see .tel as an add-on feature to their welcome care package.
I was surprised how many students actually already use their mobile phones to access the internet. Some of my students only have their BlackBerry and iPhone in my class and use it as their primary sourceof accessing files and for in-class research. Having the .tel as a contact page available for our students ensures that they can reach us in any case.
We had the case where some of our students got caught in 2009 by the French police because they failed to get their visa in time (today this law has changed and all students can travel in Schengen area without visa). Since this happened over the weekend and in a small French town where nobody could speak English, one of the students had the IMI .tel stored on his mobile and could find different ways to contact me and tell me about what happened.
We plan to equip all our students in near future with iPhones and the .tel will be used on the browser's start screen. We also want use the .tel iPhone apps which will give our students a lot of added value.
We link to HotelManagementSchool.tel on our award-winning website, include it on all pages of ourstudent portal, as well as under ourIMI Facebook profile, which is the largest among Swiss hotel management schools and reaches over 2500 alumni and students.
Of course, on a larger frame it would be perfect to have all our students to setup a .tel domain page. We also plan to open up more accounts for our partners (educational and representatives) as well on different programmes. We plan to enhance the .tel page with more phone and direct access information to each department like in-training, career services, ICT support, academics etc. but also to geo-location to view where our off-campus accommodations are and where to find our representatives all over the world.
So far we could only give away our phone, our fax or a website, but with .tel we now have the possibilities to have one-for-all access points. And since our students are our clients we are happy that we can make their lives just a little bit easier with the creation of our .tel page which now serves as a link to the most important contact points to our school.
We just started to understand .tel and we believe that this is only the beginning of the mobile web. There will be many more added value points and I am happy that I could get IMI to jump early on to this new exciting technology. I am as well convinced that we can still enhance a lot on the SEO aspects of our .tel account.
Murman.tel: Building commercially-viable directories
There are several successful commercial directory services being delivered around the world using .tel as the publishing platform. This article analyzesmurman.tel, a local business directory for the city of Murmansk in North-West Russia. If you are thinking of running a directory using .tel, the structure, business model and implementation of murman.tel provides a strong model for one of the ways to implement this type of solution.
The directory launched in August 2009 and started taking paid listings in September. Time was spent to develop and get a patent for the intuitive navigation menu for the directory. During the Autumn, the team tried out TelAds, Russian-language folder names and all the additional features as they became available. Changes in the pricing and structure were tested in the first few months, but stabilized in December. As of January 2010, Sergey Sokolov, CEO and founder of Murmantel, the company behind the directory, considers this project stable with over 250 paid listings and monthly revenues exceeding 5,000 GBP/ 8,100 USD. According to Telnic's statistical data, murman.tel is one of the most visited .tel resources this winter.
The directory is populated manually. No automatic updates or user logins are offered at this time, although such automated solutions may be added in future.
To find new customers, directory staff cold-call local businesses and dispatch sales reps to interested organizations. The sales representative then demonstrates the service, explains the pricing options and negotiates the contract. Operators populate the directory with data for new clients, who can call at any time to have their information updated. The sales team reports that virtually all businesses who have been contacted agree to join the directory, as they see clear benefits in publishing their information and getting their marketing done for them by murman.tel.
Having an appropriate pricing structure relative to other services appears to be crucial for the successful uptake of the directory by prospective clients. Currently, murman.tel's basic listings offering is 2010 rubles for a 12-month listing (40 GBP/60 USD), with a number of additional premium services and features being offered, so that the average bill for the client reaches twice as much. Note that the offer shouldn't be priced too low. The Murmantel directory sales team indicates that charging less than the above price made businesses suspicious and reluctant to join the directory, as the fee was perceived as negligible. PromotionPromotion is a critical factor in the success of murman.tel. To promote murman.tel for both users and publishers, the directory service team run advertising in in local internet media, on the radio and TV; place banners and cross-link to key local community sites; invest in AdWords; ship posters and brochures to partnering companies, and actively promote murman.tel in social networks. Clients also get discounts when quoting murman.tel to listed businesses. | ![]() |
Growing the business out
The team behind murman.tel is now starting a new pan-Russian project, Digital Pages, to provide .tel-based directory services in over 150 biggest Russian cities. The project is currently concentrating on spbinfo.tel, a directory for Saint Petersburg. Being the second-biggest city in Russia, Saint-Petersburg will require a larger-scale marketing campaign, but it is anticipated to bring a correspondingly increased ROI in the longer term.
Murmantel also invites independent directory owners to join forces and co-operate under the Digital Pages project to exchange ideas and experience, launch co-marketing campaigns, and make .tel services standard for the whole country. Mr Sokolov is planning to offer ready startup packages for new entrepreneurs, and provide onsite or online training courses.
The murman.tel city directory, after careful planning and focused investment in a skilled team and supporting marketing techniques brings both a useful service to its community, and generates revenue for its owners without the need for complex automated solutions. Testing of pricing and the listings model is essential in gaining a good understanding of the local market uptake for a .tel listing, as well as setting a reasonable price for the promotional services.
.telebritiesCongratulations to this month's winners of our .telebrity competition, well done! The first round of the contest is now complete, and you can take a look at all winners at http://telnic.org/community-telebrity.html. However, the community continues to explore and reward innovation with regional competitions: Rostov-on-Don directory in Russia is running a local monthly contest, while OneVancouver promotes .tel of the day! | ![]() |
Best Directory: PortlandHotels.tel Atul Kumar works in an educational institute and buys and develops domains as a hobby. In portlandhotels.tel, he's put contact details of key hotels in the area, and has started sending emails to hotels to inform them of their directory listing. "When the directory gains traffic and becomes more popular, I will offer fee-based listings in "Hot Promotions" and including advertising of special packages. I am very optimistic about the .tel future. The .tel will be a unique contact directory that will grow in a vast network where one .tel will connect to thousands of other .tel contact pages. All the cities will be connected through the .tel network that will be very useful for the public."
| Best Business: HotelManagementSchool.tel
"We have named our .tel not imi.tel or imiuniversitycentre.tel but hotelmanagementschool.tel – this with the idea that it will show rather dominant in Google when a potential student searches for his hospitality education." Full story above.
| Best Personal: Juha.tel Juha Koskiniemi is an engineer and uses his .tel to promote his personal brand. He adds his .tel to letters, has generated an upCode from it and promotes it to all his friends. Following Juha's .tel is interesting as he updates the header, contact information and location as his life situation changes: skiing with family, exploring Twitter, enjoying spring… Juha also used his .tel as a contact page when searching for jobs—a very useful tip for all job seekers who want to promote their expertise with keywords and link to previous employers or to recommendations available online.
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