domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

dominio .tel

Hace unos meses pusimos los resultados de google de dominios .tel, y la verdad es que estuvo bastante tiempo dando un resultado de unas 35000 paginas, luego sorprendentemente pasó a las las 50.000 páginas, hablamos siempre en español, ya que en general da un 1.800.000 paginas, y nos sorprende que a la misma pregunta ahora mismo ya supera las 100.000 paginas de dominios .tel en español.

Entre ellos sigue estando en primera posición de pedro bauza, que es alguien que confia en el futuro, luego cerrajero 24h madrid, que entiende que cuando llegues a casa y compruebes que has perdido la llave, inmediatamente vas a ir al móvil y llamar a un cerrajero de guardia. Le sigue, demostrando que los americanos también confian en el .tel, así como en el español. En 5ª se sitúa edomex, el primer dominio mexicano, y en 6º libros, aparece , quien parece confiar de que en el futuro los libros se comprarán a través del móvil...
En fin, lenta, muy lentamente se avanza, pero lo importante es que se avanza.


How What you Tweet, Tag, or Blog May Determine What Ads You See

In my last post, I wrote about a patent application describing how Yahoo might come out with a widget that could be used with blogs, to recommend old posts on those blogs based upon your lifestreaming activities.

It appears that Yahoo may have even grander and more financially motivated intentions behind collecting information about how you blog, tweet, tag images, and leave other footprints on the Web about your life and interests.

Imagine Yahoo crawling the Web and grabbing information from APIs and feeds published by other sites that provide information about the movies you rent, the reviews that you publish, the pictures that you tag, and the sites that you bookmark. Along with your tweets, your status updates, and your other activities on the Web, this information could be used to build a profile of your actions online.

That profile might then be used to determine which banner ads, job postings, and other advertisements that you may be shown.

It could also possibly be used by some sites to personalize the content that you may see.

That's the topic of the following Yahoo patent application, which could take lifestreaming data to personalize how you see the Web:

malasia sexualidad tecnologías tecnologías franquicia ahorros
Personalized Advertising Using Lifestreaming Data
Invented by Saurabh Sahni and Pankaj Kothari
US Patent Application 20100023399
Published January 28, 2010
Filed: July 22, 2008


This patent discloses a method to increase the relevance of advertisements displayed on the Internet. An ad server may receive a request for an advertisement from a web server. The ad server may compare metadata to online advertisements within an ad database. The metadata may include data about the user obtained from at least two websites through a lifestreaming process.

The comparison may seek out a best match between the advertisements and the metadata and serve the resulting advertisement to the web server.

The patent application provides details of how this system might work as well as some examples that put it into perspective.

Here's the first of them:

An online DVD rental service shows that Bob likes to rent movies on weekends from an online DVD rental service. Consider a scenario where system has retrieved application programming interfaces (APIs) from a popular online Digital Video Disc (DVD) rental service and those APIs demonstrate that user Bob has tendency to rent movies on weekends.

In addition, system previously retrieved a message posted by Bob on a free social networking and micro-blogging service, where the message as "Watching movie in Mxim Theater, 5800 Zoo Drive, Kansas City, Mo." In more recent retrievals, system has obtained metadata that indicates Bob has been listening to songs from the movie Screech on a United Kingdom-based Internet radio and music community website. Bob also had identified a trailer of the movie Screech on a video sharing website as being a favorite trailer.

Today, Friday and the first day of the weekend, Bob has requested a webpage (FIG. 1) that details new movie releases and includes a position for an advertisement. With all above personal data about Bob's activity maintained as metadata, system may use metadata to retrieve an advertisement from ad database that may be closest to "Buy tickets for movie Screech in Mxim Theater." The ad then may be served into webpage.

The advertising system might draw all of Bob's activities that it sees together to decide upon the best advertisement to show him from their database of available ads, upon the premise that he would be more likely to click upon that ad.

Another example describes how the actions of "friends" on social networking sites might also play a role in the advertisements that we might see.

The patent filing primarily focuses upon describing how advertisements might be custom delivered to viewers based upon this activity data. There's only one brief sentence that tells us that other non-advertisement based content could also use this kind of information, and it doesn't layout much in the way of details:

The lifestreaming metadata also may enable websites to personalize content according to the user activities.


There have been a number of patent filings and whitepapers from the major search engines that describe how search history and browsing history might be used to personalize advertisements. This patent filing from Yahoo describes a way of actively crawling the Web and gathering data from other sources to collect information about individuals and determine what ads to show them.

In What Personalization Means to Search, I wrote about how Search Engines might turn to "analyzing footprints people leave on the Web" to provide personalization to searchers. I also asked what that might imply in terms of privacy.

I've been tweeting about shoveling snow this morning. Will I start seeing ads for snow blowers?

What ads might you see?


Linkscape's Metrics

Linkscape computes a number of link-based metrics similar to those used by search engines for ranking. These metrics relate to both pages and domains, and measure several views of global authority or popularity, trust, spam, and freshness of data.

Linkscape counts the number of links in its index for any given page. This overall total includes juice-passing and non-juice-passing links (e.g., rel=nofollow). To give you a better view on the links that matter the most, juice-passing links are broken down into internal and external and the amount of juice each contributes to any given page is calculated. When added together, the number of internal and external links equal the number of juice-passing links, which will be less than the total number of links to any given page.

mozRank (mR)

mozRank refers to both SEOmoz's general, logarithmically scaled 10-point measure of global link authority or popularity as well as an algorithm for computing that measure. mozRank is very similar in purpose to the measures of static importance (meaning independent of a specific query) used by the search engines (e.g., GOOGLE's PageRank1 or FAST/AlltheWeb's StaticRank). Search engines often rank pages with higher global link authority ahead of pages with lower authority. Because measures like mozRank are global and static, this ranking power applies to a broad range of search queries, rather than pages optimized specifically for a few keywords.

The intuition behind mozRank is to leverage the democratic nature of the web. Every page has a vote. Pages can cast that vote by linking out to other pages, although their vote then becomes diluted with more links; thus, pages which link to many other pages aren't able to overwhelm those which only link to a few other pages. The idea is that you have a single amount of votes to cast, which you can cast all in one link or a little bit over many links. Each link is considered an endorsement. Highly endorsed pages are both considered more authoritative as well as able to more authoritatively endorse pages they link to.

Link graph with some link juice flowing and summed

External mozRank

External mozRank measures the amount of mozRank flowing through a link located on a separate domain. Because external links can play an important role as independent endorsement, external mozRank measures an important factor for ranking.

Domain-Level mozRank (DmR)

Domain-level mozRank describes, on its own logarithmic 10-point scale, where your domain stands amongst all other domains. DmR is computed for both subdomains and root domains, and are not directly comparable. DmR uses the same mozRank algorithm but applies it to the "domain-level link graph." Doing so offers additional insight about the general authority of the domain. Just as pages can endorse other pages, a link which crosses domain boundaries (e.g., from some page on to a page on can be seen as endorsement by one domain for another.

Two link graphs with domain boundaries and single domain-to-domain links

Domain Juice (DJ)

Domain Juice is the sum of mozRanks for all URLs in a domain. It is shown on the same 10 point logarithmic scale that mozRank uses. Analyzing Domain Juice can help determine how much of the Internet's mozRank is on one domain compared with another.

Domain Juice is an aggregate view of the raw link juice controlled by all the URLs on your domain. Rather than DmR, which considers the best view of your domain and values domain diversity, Domain Juice considers the broader view of your domain at the page-level, considering your strongest and weakest links and your most and least popular URLs, even if they all come from just a few domains. Because of this, DmR and Domain Juice should not be directly compared. Instead, you should compare the DmR from one domain against the DmR from another and do the same with Domain Juice.

Page-level link graph with some link juice flowing and summed

Domain Juice is reported on the same scale as mozRank, so you can see how important any given URL is to the domain it's on by comparing URL-level mozRank with domain juice. Because of this, Domain Juice may exceed the 10-point mozRank scale if a domain has many high mozRank URLs. For example, any domain having two mozRank 10 URLs would immediately have a Domain Juice of more than 10.

External Domain Juice

External Domain Juice measures the amount of mozRank flowing into your domain from external sources. Similar to external mozRank, external domain juice measures an important ranking factor, but across an entire domain.

mozTrust (mT)

Just as links express global link popularity, they also express something about the trustworthiness of your URLs. Receiving links from sources which have inherent trust, such as the front pages of some universities or certain governmental pages, is a strong endorsement, not necessarily of popularity, but of trust. mozTrust is a quantitative measure of this trust.

Like with mozRank, trust-votes are distributed through links. First, trustworthy "seeds" are identified to start the process, rather than granting voting equality across the web. Those that earn trusted links are able to cast (smaller) trust-votes through their links. Receiving a trust-passing link from a highly trusted source boosts your own trust.

mozTrust is expressed on its own 10-point logarithmic scale. While mozRank and mozTrust should not be directly compared, it can be interesting to consider how these two values relate to each other across several URLs. A URL with a large mozRank-mozTrust disparity may perform more poorly against a lower mozRank URL but with a smaller mozRank-mozTrust disparity.

Link graph identify key trust sources

Domain-Level mozTrust (DmT)

Just as mozRank can be applied to domain-to-domain links, so can mozTrust. Domain-Level mozTrust considers the trust garnered by all site-level endorsements. New or poorly linked-to pages on highly trusted domains may inherit some natural trust by virtue of being hosted on the trusted domain. Domain-Level mozTrust is expressed on another 10-point logarithmic scale.

Crawl Freshness

The "crawl freshness" reported for a URL or domain reflects how up to date the information in Linkscape's index is, specifically information about links. Freshness takes into account the recency of a crawl of linking URLs as well as the importance of those links to a target URL or domain.

mozRank Passed and Domain Juice Passed

Every juice-passing link contributes to the target URL's mozRank (and therefore the target domain's Domain Juice). When considering the value of a link, it's important to consider not just attributes about the source of the link (like the source's mozRank, Domain Juice, mozTrust, etc.), but also how this link itself contributes to the target. One of the most interesting metrics Linkscape makes available is the mozRank passed (and the Domain Juice passed) by each link. This gives you a very concrete measure of the value of this link compared to all other links to a target URL or domain. The value is related to, but different from, the source's mozRank according to the mozRank algorithm.

sábado, 30 de enero de 2010


Tan importante es disponer de un sitio web para una empresa, negocio o institución como que aparezca en un buscador. Una tienda con fantástica mercancía pero sin una calle transitada es como una magnífica página web sin presencia en los buscadores.

El gran reto al que se enfrentan las empresas online es posicionar sus webs en los primeros puestos de los buscadores. En este nuevo marco de negocio, aparecen figuras cuya misión es una de las más cotizadas en la empresa, conseguir que el sitio web tenga visibilidad: éstas son el SEO y el SEM.

Pero, ¿qué es un SEO? Esta figura responde a las siglas en inglés de ?optimización de motores de búsqueda? (Search Engine Optimization). El SEO es un proceso que implica un cóctel de técnicas de optimización del contenido y programación de un site, junto con una serie de actuaciones con el resto de internet, para situar su web en los primeros resultados de búsquedas de palabras que tengan más relevancia para la compañía.

Hoy en día, contratar a un SEO es una elección que puede resultar decisiva para un negocio a la hora de orientar a una empresa para mejorar su sitio web. Pero antes de iniciar una estrategia de posicionamiento lo primero que debemos tener en cuenta es qué objetivos perseguimos y cuánto dinero podemos o queremos invertir.

Si un empresario está considerando la posibilidad de contratar a un SEO, aunque siempre es buen momento, lo ideal sería que lo hiciera antes de crear su web o en el momento en que vaya a modificar algunos aspectos del diseño o programación de su página, ya que así podrá asegurarse de que el sitio web se ha diseñado conforme a los requisitos del motor de búsqueda. De todas formas, si la web ya está creada, el SEO también puede ayudar a  mejorar el sitio ya existente.

El SEM es un complemento al SEO. Esta palabra responde a las siglas ?Search Engine Marketing?, más conocido como marketing en buscadores. Abarca todo lo que es publicidad pagada en los buscadores, publicidad PPC (Pago por Click) y nos permite cubrir aquellas palabras o términos a los que el SEO no ha podido llegar.

Otras opciones que logran conseguir buenos resultados pueden ser campañas de enlaces y/o posts patrocinados.

Al contrario que otros medios de comunicación, internet tiene la ventaja de contar con una publicidad efectiva, en la que sólo se paga por resultados. En otros medios es difícil comprobar la respuesta del público ante una campaña publicitaria, pero estas barreras se eliminan con la publicidad online.

mitos falsos del seo

Elaborar una lista de este tipo siempre es subjetivo y hace pensar más de una vez en cuáles pueden ser esos diez mitos más grandes que rodean la optimización para buscadores. 
Esta es nuestra selección:

1. La optimización para buscadores le colocará en la primera página de Google.

2. Estar en la primera página de Google le garantizará el éxito.

3. Si consigue mucho tráfico, conseguirá muchas ventas.

4. Si su sitio se cae de los rankings, es porque Google le está penalizando.

5. Todos los sitios que aparecen en la primera página de Google son exitosos.

6. Registrar los dominios por múltiples años le ayudará en las posiciones en los buscadores.

7. Los dominios inactivos o aparcados durante varios años tienen ventaja sobre los dominios más nuevos.

8. Cualquier enlace es bueno.

9. Si construye una página, los clientes la visitarán.

10. Enviar el sitio a los buscadores le ayudará a que aparezca antes en los resultados de búsqueda.


¿Cómo medimos la relevancia SEARCH?

Factores importantes para SEO : El factor seo  mas importe según el estudio de SEOMOZ  (Search Engine Ranking Factors 2009) es el uso de la keyword en anchor text de un enlace externo. A continuación le siguen factores como la popularidad de enlaces externos, la diversidad de las fuentes de enlaces o el uso de keywords en la etiqueta Title.

Miguel comenta las novedades del buscador Bing basada en la categorización de resultados en una nueva columna en la izquierda de la página de resultados y la previsualización de resultados .

Se comenta también la existencia de Google Caffeine, el último update de la interfaz de búsqueda  cuyo objetivo es orientar mejor la búsqueda de resultados mediante filtros.  Esta nueva utilidad de Google, aún en versión beta, está provocando el nacimiento del posicionamiento seo,  ya que permite filtrar las búsquedas por fechas, por precio?.

El usuario es el gran olvidado todavía , y debemos empezar a trabajar en la mejora de la experiencia del usuario, como por ejemplo la reducción del tiempo de espera en la carga de un site. Para ello Google lanzó Page Speed, una aplicación que audita una web en tiempo real y propone cambios en los site para mejorar la optimización. Yahoo, también tiene una herramienta similar llamada Yahoo! Slow.

Finalmente a partir de un caso práctico, Miguel afirma que ?El seo para twitter no existe?. Twitter no es un buscador, es un timeline de conversaciones, es decir un captador de conversaciones. No obstante podemos llevar a cabo distintas acciones de marketing online a través de Twitter usando herramientas comko  tweepml, twittalyzer y tweetsync.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

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Whiteboard Friday - Optimizing Topic Pages



This week we're pleased to welcome Marshall Simmonds, CEO of Define Search Strategies and Chief Strategist for the New York Times, to Whiteboard Studios. Whether or not to use topic pages--and how to use them effectively--is a topic of some debate in the SEO world. Well, who better to ask about it than the guy in charge of SEO strategy for the NYT and, two of the topic page-iest sites on the web?

If you're using a topic page strategy, or you've considered it, watch this week's Whiteboard Friday. Marshall breaks down how and when they can be effective, pros and cons, as well as expenses and advantages to the strategy.

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viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

Titulares del 30 de enero de 2010



Informe de Burton Group : Sistemas Wireless LAN: ¿Listos para el futuro?
Los sistemas de redes inalámbricas fueron toda una revolución cuando fueron presentados en 2003. Desde entonces, las empresas los vienen utilizando, pero ¿todos los sistemas WLAN son iguales? En este informe, el prestigioso analista Paul DeBeasi, habla sobre los sistemas WLAN actuales y anuncia las tendencias futuras.


Última hora


GatesNotes: Así piensa un ex CEO metido a filántropo

El ex Presidente de Microsoft ha vuelto esta semana a dar que hablar con su adhesión a Twitter y a Facebook y el lanzamiento de una página donde plasma sus reflexiones.


Así afectará la Ley de Economía Sostenible al sector TIC

El anteproyecto de ley toca todos los palos: los 900 MHz, las deducciones por innovación o la persecución de los piratas, entre otros.


Almacén Automatizado

Desde el máximo responsable de sistemas hasta el encargado directo de almacén podrán sacar interesantes enseñanzas de una jornada que estudiará los puntos críticos en almacenamiento.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit  

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Reasons to buy
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Our Price: $99.95  Click Here


-,, Daily Domains Newsletter


Remember that our Extended Auction is still going on. If you haven't looked at the names you can see them as well as log in to bid at
As for next weeks theme we are going to do it on Travel. This can be from booking your tickets all the way to your final destination. Anything and everything to do with traveling is what it will be about. Send your submissions over to
Toby Clements
Today's New Domain Names

The Option
Monthly Payment
Down Payment
No Financing
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Recently developed site included with purchase.
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Recently developed site included with purchase.
No Financing
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No Financing

Recently developed site included with purchase.
No Financing

Recently developed site included with purchase
No Financing

Recently developed site included with purchase.
No Financing

Reduce Until Sold

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No Financing
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Non-English Domains

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Buyers: If you want any domain from these Daily Domains you'll need to quickly reply with "I'll take it". These names sell fast so don't waste any time. If you commit to a name we expect payment within 72 hours. If you want a contract or any escrow service, you'll need to inform us within 12 hours. Often times, financing is available. If you need financing, please request it before committing to purchase. We�ll work hard to get the deal done for you. Do not contact the seller directly, under any circumstance. We will consider it an act of circumvention and take the appropriate measures.

Sellers: We charge a flat $200.00 or 10% of the selling price (whichever is greater) upon the sale of your domain. There is no charge to list the name and you keep complete control of your name while it is listed. We ask for a 30 day exclusivity agreement when you list with us. If someone contacts you directly, please bring it to our attention immediately. Submissions for listings should be sent to

405 Brentwood Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA

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Pharma Discount love!!!

WIOP Domain Name Decisions - January 29, 2010

WIPO Letter on GNSO-STI Report on Trademark Protection in New gTLDs
WIPO Letter to ICANN Concerning the registrar Nameview

Most recently notified WIPO Domain Name Decision(s):
> Transfer
> Transfer
> Transfer
> Transfer
> Transfer
> Transfer
> Transfer

Search WIPO UDRP decisions by indexed terms, domain name, or case number:
WIPO Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected UDRP Questions:

***Upcoming WIPO Center Training Programs***

The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center's next training programs include:
- WIPO Workshop for Mediators in Intellectual Property Disputes, May 6 and 7, 2010
- WIPO Advanced Workshop on Domain Name Dispute Resolution: Update on Practices and Precedents, October 19 and 20, 2010
- WIPO Arbitration Workshop, October 21 and 22, 2010

Program information and registration:

The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is an international provider of non-profit services for the out-of-court resolution of commercial disputes. The Center specializes in cases arising out of technology and intellectual property transactions, such as licensing, R&D and distribution agreements.
WIPO arbitration, mediation and expert determination contract clauses:
WIPO Internet domain name dispute resolution:

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jueves, 28 de enero de 2010,, Daily Domains Newsletter


Not much news to report today.
I will be announcing next weeks theme tomorrow so be on the look out for that.
In the mean time I am in the process of cleaning up my inbox and getting things back in order after the trip to Vegas......
Toby Clements
Today's New Domain Names

The Option
Monthly Payment
Down Payment
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
No Financing
Inquire About Financing

Reduce Until Sold

The Option
Monthly Payment
Down Payment
No Financing
No Financing
Inquire About Financing

Non-English Domains

The Option
Monthly Payment
Down Payment
No Financing

Spanish: Money Transfer
No Financing

Spanish: Amazing
No Financing

Spanish: Power of Attorney
No Financing

Dutch: The Pill
No Financing

German: Audience or Crowd
No Financing

German: Hungry


Buyers: If you want any domain from these Daily Domains you'll need to quickly reply with "I'll take it". These names sell fast so don't waste any time. If you commit to a name we expect payment within 72 hours. If you want a contract or any escrow service, you'll need to inform us within 12 hours. Often times, financing is available. If you need financing, please request it before committing to purchase. We�ll work hard to get the deal done for you. Do not contact the seller directly, under any circumstance. We will consider it an act of circumvention and take the appropriate measures.

Sellers: We charge a flat $200.00 or 10% of the selling price (whichever is greater) upon the sale of your domain. There is no charge to list the name and you keep complete control of your name while it is listed. We ask for a 30 day exclusivity agreement when you list with us. If someone contacts you directly, please bring it to our attention immediately. Submissions for listings should be sent to

405 Brentwood Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA

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