My personal view on Dottel!
- For domainers it is very hard to possess .tel domains!
- Since the registration numbers are far away from a wide market penetration, it is not easy to earn any money with them.
- As you can see from the low rate of published .tel domains, there is no strong activity from the side of .tel domain owners.
- .tel domains still look very simple and not attractive to visitors.
- So far people cannot understand what they can do with .tel domains. Therefore nobody is registering them.
- The main purpose of .tel domains is not visible and not known by the public.
- .com needed at least one decade to become successful!
- 2,5 years after launch .tel has much more registered domains than .com within the same time frame!
- .tel offers services the world has never seen, but will bring a huge benefit to the market!
- .tel offers the only reasonable Dial-by-name solution in the world! No other idea can compete with these advantages!
- .tel is in a very early stage! After the product gets developed properly, the success will come!
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