Toda información que se vaya publicando sobre la evolución de los dominios .tel , creados para liderar el futuro, se irá poniendo en este blog. Web patrocinada por
lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011
Razones para que triunfe un dominio .tel
1.) If different domains want to share data with each other automatically, the infrastructure of them must be homogeneous. .tel domains are the only ones which fulfill this requirement.
2.) If you want to navigate through domains voice-controlled (e. g. with SIRI), you can do it only with .tel domains.
3.) If I want to keep an overview about all my personal login data of all websites where I am registered, where else I can save these information beside in .tel domains?
4.) If you want to open a website, instead of typing the IP address you type the domain name.
If you want to call somebody, instead of dialing the phone number you dial the name of that person with letters in the future, too.
Since mobile phones and internet are merging, the DNS is the perfect solution for this.
5.) Facebook with all the concerns about data privacy is scary. The better social networking will work on domain base.
6.) If you want to specify which data you want to share with others, which other tool allows you to modify the sharing of your data for every single contact different beside .tel domains?
7.) Everybody has a phone number today. In the future everybody will have also a domain name, but not everybody needs a website. For these people a .tel domain is the best fit.
8.) After full introduction of IPv6 every customer will have several IP addresses for himself, for his family, for his car, for his refrigerator, for his PC, for his cell phone, for his television and so on. You have to bundle them with your .tel domain, because it could be the only switch for all of them.
9.) 7 billion people are living on this planet. Excluding commercial domains perhaps only 1 % of them own their personal domain on the internet.
If the other 99 % register their domain and only 1 % of them decide to choose a .tel domain, we have already 70 million .tel domains (almost as much as we have .com domains today).
viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011
TELcp V3.0
Just to let everyone know that we have successfully completed the TELcp Ver.3 project.
We have also integrated the "Private Data" in the new version.
However, "Private Data" feature requires the tel Owner to visit CTH only to approve TelFriends requests as such facility is not available through the TelHosting Client SOAP API.
Planning to make the ver.3.0 services (for both tel Owners and tel Users on Desktop and mobile platforms) available through by first week of December.
domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011
Extensión .tel
Por que elegir la extensión .tel
A diferencia de los dominios convencionales, la extensión del dominio .Tel es enfocada a las Telecomunicaciones, por lo que no cualquier tipo de página podría tener esta extensión. De tal forma que se utiliza para Crear Tarjetas de Contacto y permitirte intercambiar información de una manera Rápida, Sencilla y Moderna. Al tener esta extensión tu [...]
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Autor : David España
Páqina Web | Artículos de David EspañaDiseñador Grafico, aficionado a la tecnologia,...entre muchas cosas más
A diferencia de los dominios convencionales, la extensión del dominio .Tel es enfocada a las Telecomunicaciones, por lo que no cualquier tipo de página podría tener esta extensión.
De tal forma que se utiliza para Crear Tarjetas de Contacto y permitirte intercambiar información de una manera Rápida, Sencilla y Moderna.
Al tener esta extensión tu información quedaría Visible al publico en general o bien si lo deseas puedes restringirla mediante una contraseña, de modo que las personas a quienes les pases tu "pagina" únicamente tendrán que recordar el nombre de tu dominio y la contraseña, sin tener que recordar todos tu datos personales.
Lo interesante y útil que es este tipo de dominios es que una vez que pasas el dominio a un cliente, familiar, amigo y acceden desde un equipo móvil (BlackBerry, iPhone, etc.) automáticamente se guardan los datos de contacto, además de que si actualizas información constantemente no es necesario estar notificándolo pues a través de la pagina se actualiza el dispositivo móvil.
Anímate a adquirir un dominio. TEL y olvídate de pasar tus datos e contacto repetidamente.
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011
tel domain
TEL Domain Investment Returns after 2 years 7 months and 8 days
By Mr. Louisjlouisbiz. Tuesday, November 1, 2011 1:44:46 PM
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Summary of results and success from TEL domains
This is my summary of TEL domain investment returns after 2 years, 7 months and 8 days of my first registration of one Dot Tel Domain for Thetabiz® Group. As a TEL domain owner heavy involved in various businesses in need of marketing, I have achieved some pretty good results with many new people brought onto my other websites, into my businesses and many came and are still coming through TEL domains.
Only, is that temporary success based on TEL domains?
There are some factors which in fact give to TEL domain some temporary well search engine rankings:
- Subdomain usage makes TEL domain URLs rank better on Google
- Plain TEL domains are still unique and rank well for rare terms
- TEL domain is global domain, and not one country oriented such as .ME
And that is about all there is to say about success from TEL domains.
You don't need to setup your own DNS server to enable numerous subdomains, thus you can easily start with a TEL domain, register a keyword for search engines, and implement easily subdomains which for that one simple and only reason of having subdomains rank better, because search engines consider words in the URL more important than words on the page. As simple as that.
TEL domains are still unique domains, you can have only one word on a TEL domain. There cannot be two TEL domains such as and -- there exist only one website and one TEL domain is for one keyword. If you have a rare term or rare keyword, your TEL domains will rank well. But, don't hope to see them ranking well for taken keywords. You will get only a temporary success with TEL domains. You may appear on search engines, but within few months or with the development of other websites, your TEL domains will simply disappear and you will no longer be on the first page. As simple as that.
TEL domain is a global domain, and not just a domain like .CO or .ME or .WS which all belong to various countries, such as Columbia, Montenegro or West Samoa. TEL domain is considered in search engines a global domain, such as INFO or BIZ domains.
For those simple 3 factors, TEL domain may win some hearts of TEL domain owners.
And those simple 3 factors, give the temporary success to those TEL domain owners.
Why temporary success?
TEL domain cannot expand. You have what you have. TEL domain is for contact information, and not for general information. The ugly websites forced by TELNIC onto every TEL domain owner, do not contribute to your success at all.
You will have a phone number or few, fax number, e-mail or websites on TEL domains, and maybe some informations. And that is all. There are no ways how you can write pages, blogs, calendars, websites, there is nothing like that on the TEL domain. It is not a domain which will catch users or have many visitors. TEL domains are to Veni, Vidi, Vici domains.
TEL domains are hard to update often. People try to use them just as general websites, but that was never a purpose and they shall be regarded just as landing pages, pointers to your contact information, other websites and opening times of businesses. And that's it.
TEL domain as such will have its uses throughout the future of Internet. And there may be other alternatives to come up with some bright ideas similar to TEL domains
dominio tel
TEL Domain SEO Myths Promoted by TELNIC
By Mr. Louisjlouisbiz. Tuesday, November 1, 2011 3:34:57 PM
TELNIC blatantly claims that with TEL domain you will increase your search engine rankings.
There are five points, which TELNIC claim which may help you be found online.
Control your domain name
With TEL domain, there is little you can control. Any domain you own, you may also control, right? But what about the TEL domain? All you can control is which phone number, website or link you will put on the TEL domain. And everything else which you may control with other domains, is not possible for the TEL domain.
You may NOT control on TEL domain:
- Web hosting account
- Website design
- Web directories
- Spam protection of your e-mail address
- Your e-mail
- Javascript
- Flash
- Images
- Numerous other uncountable features available for other domains
No extra SEO spending
This is absolutely false statement. The only purpose of such a statement is to catch attention of beginners, as everyone with knowledge of SEO will know that his may not be true. This statement says that you as TEL domain owner, you will increase your search engine rankings without extra SEO spending. SEO is by the way, Search Engine Optimization, a technique which brings you step by step on first pages of search engines, so that people may find you easier, so that you rank better.
If this would be true, you would not need anything else but TEL domain, you would increase your search engine rankings. Well, it's not that easy.
For a true visibility on search engines, you either need to be an expert or pay other experts. A simple registration of a TEL domain, may bring you temporarily on search engines, but that will not stay without either hard work or some extra money.
Authoritative information about you
Although TELNIC claims that TEL domain is all about authoritative information about you, there is zero of truth in this statement. In fact, contrary is true, numerous TEL domains carry non-authoritative information about you and many companies find their information on TEL domains without giving any authority nor without having a control over publishing such an information.
Facebook is more authoritative than a TEL domain, because they take quick measures to delete duplicate Facebook accounts, Facebook accounts representing businesses and such. You have to use your real name on Facebook, although for them that is a hard task to manage.
The problem lies in the fact that TELNIC cannot control nor know, nor take away rights to TEL domain owners, to publish whatever they want on their TEL domains. One of terms in the Terms and Conditions is that you will publish your contact information and in case of third parties, that you will have explicit permission from those third parties. This yet, does not make a TEL domain authoritative information about you, as there is no way to know who has really put that information on a TEL domain. TEL domain makes it even worse, the registration may be anonymous, and one may publish on TEL domain various non-authoritative information thus getting input from clients thinking you are one person or company, while you may be yet another scumbag walking around, stealing someone's money.
No duplication with other web resources
This is as false as it may be. TEL domain is made for duplication. You don't even need to open a browser to have the information stored in TEL domain servers. And everyone may install a website with a proxy, which duplicates ALL TEL domains just as easy as it can be. If one have domain this directory made on the TEL domain is universally accessible, and you may show all the information on any other domain. Such as and if you look carefully, the domain in question here is not .TEL domain but .COM domain, demonstration set to show how silly is the idea of TEL domain. You can take any TEL domain and append our COM domain to have it appear on a totally different website with a totally different and maybe even better template.
Well now, they have built whole directory on and now someone comes, does not even copy anything from that website, but from simple access to DNS servers, and all the information is shown on
So much about "no duplication with other web resources".
Cross-linking with social networks & services
This TELNIC statement looks like a magical benefit which you may get when you purchase TEL domain. Nothing is but far from truth. You can put links on your TEL domain and link to Facebook, Twitter and such. Nothing prevents you. But that does not make TEL domain special at all. You can put links on any websites and on any other domain on Internet. Internet is hyper-linked, that is main feature. We may link to anyone we want.
But what you cannot do, you cannot link on TEL domain to Flickr, Photobucket pictures, you cannot link to Flash content, images and all the other stuff which you may find.
Myths presented by TELNIC are blatant lies. They did not improve their false and blatant lies from their website since 2 years. And more and more websites are coming out which points to degradation of Internet created by TELNIC.
I am expert in search engine rankings, and I have to work very hard to bring up various businesses. And as owner of 150+ TEL domains, I certainly know what I do.
But will you know that?
Bid per call
Another way to make extra money thorugh new google voice look at this post BID PER CALL:
Google Ads Driving Millions of Calls per Month
Posted by Gretchen Nemechek on Mon, Oct 31, 2011
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Over the past year Google has been phasing in functionality to enable advertisers to drive more phone calls to their businesses. In 2010, Google Affiliate Network partnered with RingRevenue to power their pay-per-call program allowing advertisers to create call-based campaigns for publishers/affiliates to promote and earn commissions. In November 2010 Google announced click-to-call for mobile and with the success of call-based campaigns in the various channels, bid-per-call is a natural next step.
Last week, Google announced they will be rolling out "bid-per-call" functionality for Adwords customers in the US and UK. Bid-per-call essentially gives Adwords advertisers the ability to place keyword bids for phone calls initiated from Google Voice generated call tracking numbers placed in the ad copy. Advertisers will be able to indicate a max cost-per-phone-call (CPP). The bids will be set at the ad group level. According to Google ad groups will need to meet minimum click and call thresholds to qualify, and advertisers will also need to be using Call Extensions and Call Metrics to enable bid-per-call. Bid-per-call will only be available for ads appearing on desktop/laptops and tablets. For now mobile ads will continue to use the click-to-call feature which charges per click.
According to Google, 15% of all searches now take place on mobile and at least 40% of those carry local intent. Consumers are starting to connect more directly to advertisers via their mobile phones and Google is betting that trend will carry to their laptops and tablets with more than 20% of desktop and tablet based searches carrying local intent.
Last month we shared the results of search marketer, imwave, inc. improving click-through rates by 250% after including phone numbers in their search ads. In the past, Google reported click-throughs on mobile improve between 5-30% when phone numbers are included. With more than half a million advertisers using their click-to-call functionality for mobile, it is no surprise that Google is looking for ways to help advertisers drive more calls from desktop ads. They are already seeing more than a million calls per month being driven from click-to-call.
Google's getting behind calls is good news for advertisers, as it is now even easier for advertisers looking to get started with call-based campaigns to jump in and get started with solutions like pay-per-call. Over the course of this year, we've seen tremendous growth in our business and in the call-based advertising space. And for advertisers looking to do more than just track calls from search, call performance marketing offers a way to manage call-based campaigns from all of their offline, online and mobile marketing initatives.
Many verticals such as insurance, financial services, home services, higher education and high-end retail, are seeing great results with call-to-conversion rates between 30-50% and average phone order values 1.5-2x online orders. Pay-per-call has driven millions in new revenue for advertisers and millions in commissions for publishers. For advertisers that want more calls to their business there is no barrier to entry. It is simple and easy to get started.
Does you business value phone calls? How are you driving more to your business?
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