domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Surname en los dominios .tel

TELcpV3pro - for Surname based tel domain directory builders

We are pleased to announce that we have developed a new TELcp based solution for building Surname based .tel directories.
This is a customization of the Existing TELcpV3.0 to meet the requirements of individual tel profiles.

It has all the features of TELcpV3.0.
Minus Text Ads and Image Ads.
Plus Three different Individual Profiles (work/home/vacation) for each tel page.

We are now testing it for providing third party payment gateways (PayPal/2CO/Moneybookers/AuthorizeNet etc) that can be hosted elsewhere (independent from TELcpV3pro site which is to be hosted by us most probably at, just like and, with outgoing billing info links from telpages of each teldomain) by tel domain Owners. This way tel domain owners can host their tel domains with TELcpV3pro for telpage management by tel Users and collect money for rentals at their own billing/payment collecting site (we can help you on this too).

We removed the Text Ads and Image Ads features to reduce the bandwidth consumption at our hosted site to lower our fees.
Also having three different profiles will have less regular activities of changing contact details (thus reducing further bandwidth consumption and reducing updating time/work for the end user).
We can also automate this changing of profiles at a given time (one the Hour) of the day by initial setup by the end user (tel User).
When this action is automated, the system will automatically change your profiles from work->home->work->vacation etc. The advantages are as follows. 1)No regular updating by tel Users (Zero work for the end user), only initial setting up. 2)Less load on Telnic servers as far as throttling is concerned. 3)Less bandwidth for TELcpV3pro site, therefore our hosting fees will be less.

We have not yet finalized the launching date.
Stay tuned for further updates on this thread or follow us on Twitter.


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