martes, 26 de julio de 2011 un futuro prometedor de los dominios .tel

These two enhancements have now been implemented. The formal instructions on how to do this will be added to soon, but for those who want to try it out here is the info - simply replace "" with ""- Create a folder "data" from the top level of - it can be hidden i.e. untick "Create a link to this folder" in "Add new folder" box.- In create any/all of the following "Note" entries (label must be in lower case, value can be in lower, upper or mixed case) - an alternate .tel domain or subdomain where the contact details are to be picked up - price (numeric, no commas or dots) followed by a single space, followed by GBP, USD or EUR. Entering 0 GBP, 0 USD or 0 EUR will generate a "Make Offer" - the URL link for the "Domain Name For Sale" line.Click to see an example of a generated page.Any feedback very welcome - if using on a mobile phone you should see "Powered by TelDial Mobile" appear - if "Powered by TelDial Desktop" appears your mobile phone is not being detected - if so please post here the make/model.Lastly, don't forget to generate your Free 1-Way SEO LinksMike Seaton

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