sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Una infografía sobre el dominio .tel en el mundo.
dominio tel
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viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

Sub domain limit increased to 2999

 Sub domain limit increased to 2999

To: All tel Owners at telcp.com

Please note that the max sub domain limit is now increased to 2999. This increase applies to all current and new .tel Owner accounts.

Previous max limit was 1000.

Few more amendments will be introduced before end of this month.

For latest updates follow us on http://twitter.com/#!/telcp

TELcp Administration.
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miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Telpages search

Can someone help me understand exactly which fields, which data in a Tel is actually searched when a user hits the button on my Tel?

Telpages searches the Title, Text Header and Keywords. It doesn't currently search contact records. It does search through Sub-domains, but only if they are linked to the "root" (home) .tel. If you create a subdomain that is not linked then it will not be found by Telpages.

linked to or linked from the root? Please clarify as what happens with hidden subdomains that are not linked from the root but from another subdomain on same domain?

Telpages crawls from the root. If there is a path from there to the subdomain then it will find it. If it is completely "orphaned" then it will not be indexed.

Yes, it is correct.
Proof is at 7seas.mytown.tel

But, TelPages indexed only 3 pages from mytown.tel over a period of 9 months whereas Google has searched much more than that during the same period.

So, how can we expect the TelPages to be in the forefront of the .tel search?

TelCP, if there are any more than those 3 pages with content which Telpages does index then please let me know and we'll investigate.

Every page that I've checked in the Google search results has been empty apart from ads. As an end- user I'd be happier with Telpages which is only returning pages with content.

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domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Un dominio .tel con foto de fondo

Y aquí un ejemplo de un .tel con foto de fondo... http://ffynnonlas.tel/

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Telmasters Newsletter

Telmasters Newsletter

This is a very brief newsletter to keep you informed of continued developments at Telmasters. Actually, we have been maintaining our blog with information such as new video support and RSS feeds.

Premium generic domain names are prized properties. June 5 will be a very big day in the .tel world when many premium .tel domains that were registered three years ago will drop. In fact, tomorrow shows a large number of newer generics and phrases becoming available. Last month, in a surprise move, a few premium generics dropped early (eg, carpets.tel).

Our statistics show that several hundred top quality names and phrases are available right now, with at least 1,300 premium and geo names dropping in June. You can be ready for the big day with our new research list and tool which is documented at OwnMe.tel.

As always, we continue to support the Telosphere with our many free and low-cost tools.

Best Regards,

Mark Kolb

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Un dominio .tel con un traductor

Un ejemplo curioso de dominio .tel donde han puesto un traductor en la parte de arriba http://vitaliy.tel
Y un ejemplo con el icon de Offer, que también es muy interesante: http://adrian.tel