domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Bienvenidos Ecuador, al dominio .tel

Dominios .tel ya en Ecuador

Dominios .tel en EcuadorEl dominio de primer nivel patrocinado .tel cuenta con un importante potencial para ofrecer servicios nuevos y exclusivos usando el DNS.

El valor de un dominio .tel radica en la capacidad de alojar información de contacto personal (o corporativa) directamente en el DNS y, así, se podrá acceder a ella desde cualquier parte del mundo. Esto contrasta con el uso típico del DNS para otros dominios de primer nivel, en los que el DNS sólo proporciona una correspondencia entre los nombres de dominios y las direcciones IP.
VISIONET.COM.EC  ofrece un completo programa de incentivos para ayudar a los registradores en sus tareas de marketing. Para participar en el programa, los registradores deben estar acreditados por ICANN

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Am I the Only One Who is 3 Weeks Behind?

OK. Mea culpa.
caleruega pirámides de egipto sabana santa camara del rey casas rurales burgos

It was my intention to update this blog, initially on no less than a monthly basis and then more frequently thereafter. As you can see, I'm a bit late. But… I think it is with relatively good reason.

Since our initial post a great deal of activity has taken place. In no particular order:

Since last time…

* On Friday, June 11 Mark and I were featured guests on the Vancouver .tel Meetup groups monthly breakfast bunfest. Connected via Skype, we outlined some of our views of the .tel world and previewed some of Mark's Tools. We even had George Moen (all things Grand Poobah-ish over at Blenz) running the projector for our Power Point presentation. How's that for rolling up the sleeves and demonstrating dedication to the cause? Thanks also to Marilyn Anderson and Bonnie Sainsbury for organizing.

As long-term practitioners of .tel, we're looking down the road a ways to see what's on the horizon that might have a positive impact on our .tels. There are two companies I mentioned during the broadcast that we'll be monitoring and lobbying to incorporate .tel into their respective systems.

The first one is SkimLinks. Skimlinks dramatically simplifies the process of identifying and managing affiliates, and more importantly – managing affiliate links. The second company has a very bright (orange) future ahead of them. Root Orange enables many people to "own" top-tier, generic domain at a fraction of the cost and … on an exclusive basis for your selected geographic region. Can you imagine "owning" for the city of Philadelphia or for New York City and getting all of the natural type-in traffic leads from the major search engines delivered exclusively to you. Well you can (if you're first in line) and Root Orange is making it happen.

Check out both of these sites. Better still start your own mini campaign. Contact them directly and tell them how much you want them to incorporate .tel into their programs. Each of these companies deserves much greater analysis and we hope to dig a bit deeper and see when we might be able to take advantage of their services.

If you know of any other companies that show some promise to help assist .tel owners to monetize their .tel assets, please drop us a line and we'll post it here for all.

Due to time constraints we weren't able to mention an absolutely killer app that has the potential to turn .tel monetization on its head. It's a significant undertaking that will require some additional partners and/or resources to fully bring to fruition. Drop me a line if I've piqued your interest.

.tel Drops

* Many of you know that the first wave of .tels were registered by the general public on March 24, 2009 and growing to over some 270,000 (est.) registrations over the next 12 months. Like many new domain releases there are prospectors, speculators and other assorted registrants looking to satisfy their respective "itch":

  • Some investors looked for quick returns by flipping their domains (didn't happen – their short-term goals became long-term investments);
  • Some were happy to get in on the thrill of the latest domain release and acquire their "killer", category defining domains. (I can tell you from experience that for some, it's an incredible rush when you've got 4 or 5 screens open, each with a different registrar just hoping that one of them will get that absolutely must have domain… then another… then another… It's all well and good until you start watching the mailbox to make sure you get the credit card statement before your significant other sees it)
  • And some just flat out ran amok and registered either way too many domains and/or domains that don't fit the extension

The point is, it has been 12 month, plus/minus 70-80 days depending on your registrar, and .tel domains are in the drop phase. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case might be, there are hundreds of .tel domains dropping every day. Is there still some gold to be mined ? You bet. There are other sources, but Mark has developed a nifty little program that identifies the domains that are dropping every day at around 2:30pm EST. If you want a copy of the list, just post a comment here and we'll be happy to send it to you.

On the Horizon…

* Mark is putting the finishing touches on some of the premium tools that will really help streamline adding content, ads, colors/colours, templates and icons to your dottel properties. Watch for upcoming announcements here. Remember that TelMasters members will always get advance notice of these new releases so make sure to sign up if you haven't already done so. Best of all, membership is free.

* In the very near future we'll be implementing a full-featured email management system that does  everything but walk the dog. Part of the requirements of using the system is that all members MUST opt-in. Even if you've already signed up as a member you will be required to opt-in with the new system. But don't fret, we'll make it worth you troubles. More on that shortly.

Our main TelMasters site is constantly being tweaked and updated. Most of the changes are small but they all take time so your continued patience as we work through the bugs is much appreciated

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

A partir del pasado 15 de Junio Telnic, el Registro de los dominios .tel, permitía el Registro de dominios .tel IDN en 16 idiomas: Chino, danés, finés, alemán, húngaro, islandés, japonés, letón, lituano, noruego, polaco, portugués, ruso, español y sueco.

Según Justin Hayward de Telnic, el primer dominio IDN registrado fue ä (

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

Piensa en grande,abiertamente e imaginate una señal inhalambrica extendida hasta mas alla de la orbita terrestre.Tomalo de otra forma,el internet es el futuro de la comunicacion,educacion,ciencia,negocios,emtretenimiento y el medio de interconectarse de gente de todo el mundo y cultura.

Suena algo grandioso?todo depende de tu forma de mirarlo o perspectiva?o tu falta de ella. Periodico,Radio,Television,Comercio global,Cuidados de salud,Educacion universitaria,mas y mas es impartida al mundo via modernos aparatos ultratecnologicos. Estos aparatos ultramodernos son tan avanzados que hacen que el internet sea simple y accesible pasandose dia a dia a millones alrededor del mundo.en las perspectivas de un negocio significa ingresos multiples variados.
Como usted pueder ver yo soy optimista,pero tambien realista,si uno evalua que ha significado el internet hasta ahora,es increible.
El internet ha cambiado el mundo global del negocio de una manera sin precedentes.La parte exitante para mi es que su potencial es mucho mas de lo que es hasta ahora, hemos sido testigos de este cambio desde sus inicios.verdadero y correcto en el extremo.

Entonces que hay de los nombres dominio?

Hay solo una cosa,lenguaje y el poder del mundo.El internet ha sido inventado y construido para todas las correctas razones inclusive las simples,alrededor de las simples y mas directas formas de comunicacion que conocemos. El mundo:una unidad de lenguaje,consistiendo de una o mas habladas representadas,que funcionan como una principal via de significado.

Hermoso en su simplicidad, el dominio es la unidad concisa de lenguaje que no tiene paralelo o sustituto para conectar a personas a su destino en internet,es una direccion exacta,es todo lo que necesitas saber para llegar a tu destino.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


What Is Latent Semantic Indexing

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a system used by Google and other major search engines (Update: read here, thanks for the Tweets, guys) The contents of a webpage are crawled by a search engine and the most common words and phrases are collated and identified as the keywords for the page. LSI looks for synonyms related to the title of your page. For example, if the title of your page was "Classic Cars", the search engine would expect to find words relating to that subject in the content of the page as well, i.e. "collectors", "automobile", "Bentley", "Austin" and "car auctions".

Do Not Underestimate Content

SEO strategy has always denoted that great importance is placed on the page title and words encased in heading tags, especially the H1 tag. Words and phrases within the content that are bolded or italicized are also given a greater importance. But you should be aware of the use of LSI, as it can affect what keywords your website is ranked for.

But if your page contains synonyms, the search engine recognizes that your page is actually about the subject title and will place greater importance on the page. You may well already use good keyword techniques and add a few secondary keywords into your content, but the rest of the content should also be littered with synonyms to convince search engine spiders.

A Response to Keyword-Stuffing

Latent Semantic Indexing came as a direct reaction to people trying to cheat search engines by cramming Meta keyword tags full of hundreds of keywords, Meta description full of more keywords, and page content full of nothing more than random keywords and no subject-related material or worthwhile content.

Search engines, like Google, appreciate good content, and encouraging people to add good content that helps keep the high-ranked listings relevant. Although producing good content will not guarantee you first page rankings, it could improve your quality score.

When LSI is Not Relevant

LSI will not affect a squeeze page that has no intention of achieving a search engine rank anyway, due to its minimalistic content. But for site owners or bloggers hoping to get on the search engines good side, pay attention to LSI.

Latent Semantic Indexing is a good thing. It keeps content relevant and rich and benefits not only visitors, but website owners that produce quality material.

How to Befriend LSI

Latent Semantic Indexing is not rocket science, it is simple common sense. Here are some simple guidelines:

  1. If your page title is Learn to Play Tennis, make sure your article is about tennis.
  2. Do not overuse your keywords in the content. It could look like keyword stuffing and the search engines may red flag you.
  3. Never use Article Spinning Software – it spits out unreadable garble.
  4. If you outsource your content, choose a quality source.
  5. Check Google Webmaster Tools and see what keywords your pages are ranking for.
Latent Semantic Indexing is not a trick. You should bear it in mind when adding content to a web page, but do not get paranoid about it. The chances are if you provide quality, relevant content you will never have to worry about falling foul of and LSI checks.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Cómo configurar el correo en un dominio .tel

Cómo poner adsense en los dominio .tel

Como controlar los dominio .tel desde google

Empieza el espectaculo 2ª parte

Primer hoy en vivo previo lanzamiento 15/6

En preparación para el lanzamiento de dieciséis idiomas, Telnic Limited
el Operador de Registro para el galardonado dominio de nivel superior (TLD) .tel centrado en las comunicaciones,
hoy dijo que el primer en la historia,, está en vivo y accesible.

Se encontrarán nombres y marcas en dieciséis idiomas disponibles para registro
Mas información:
suiza portatiles rusia moviles alquileres madrid alquileres barcelona portatil fiscalidad

"Con el lanzamiento de los nombres, los individuos y organizaciones en muchos más países hoy pueden beneficiarse de un punto de contacto simple, único y profesional que pueden compartir con amigos, colegas y clientes, formateado al instante para cualquier
dispositivo con conexión a internet
", dijo Justin Hayward, director de comunicaciones de Telnic Limited. "Con su bajo costo, facilidad de configuración y apoyo en varios idiomas, un nombre .tel es una
herramienta increíblemente accesible y útil beneficial que permite que las personas se conecten de la manera que quieran, en el ámbito local así como mundial".

Telnic lanzará IDNs en los idiomas chino tradicional y simplificado, danés, finlandés, alemán, húngaro, islandés, japonés, coreano, latviano, lituano, noruego, polaco, portugués, ruso, español y sueco.
A medida que otros idiomas se aprueben para IDNs, Telnic consultará con la comunidad y los añadirá donde haya demanda.

Los registros comenzarán a las 3 p.m. BST (hora de verano británica) el 15 de junio y todos los registros se realizarán por orden de llegada y los nombres estarán accesibles en breve. Así como con los registros de nombres de dominio .tel existentes, los precios serán establecidos por registradores acreditados por ICANN. Una lista de registros que soportan las registraciones está disponible en Para mejores precios,
Telnic recomienda a los usuarios que visiten los registradores acreditados por ICANN indicados en este sito web.

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010


A QR Code (it stands for "Quick Response") is a mobile phone readable barcode that's been big in Japan forever, broke into Eurpoe a while back, and is now getting traction in USA.

In it's simplest sense think "print based hypertext link" - simply encode a URL into the QR Code and then point a mobile phone (or other camera-enabled mobile) at it. If the device has had QR Code decoding software installed on it, it will fire up its browser and go straight to that URL.

But it doesn't stop there - a QR Code can also contain a phone number, an SMS message, V-Card data or just plain alphanumeric text, and the scanning device will respond by opening up the correct application to handle the encoded data appropriately courtesy of the FNC1 Application Identifiers that are embedded in the encoded data.

The technical specifications for a QR Code are set down in the ISO-18004 standard so they are the same all over the world, and the only signifcant variations from one QR code to another (apart from the data it contains) is the number of modules required to store the data. A Version 1 QR Code is a 21x21 array of data elements with the array increasing in size by 4 modules for each increase in version number. The largest standard QR Code is a Version 40 symbol that 177x177 modules in size and can hold up 4296 characters of alphanumeric data (theoretically) compared to 25 characters for a Version 1 QR Code.

While there is still a lot of scope for improvement, the resolution of average present-day camera-enabled portable devices is such that the size of the data modules (dots) on a QR Code of Version 5 or above (37x37) presents a real risk of incorrect decoding of the symbol by the device. When creating a QR Code intended for use with mobile phones and PDA's it's best to stick to Version 4 or lower, and a QR Code symbol of at least 2cm (0.85inches) across.

To make things a bit more robust, the QR Code also contains its own error correction data, internal orientation calibration and self-alignment markers. In this way it doesn't matter whether the QR code is upside down or wrapped around a curved surface, the message will still get through.

The anatomy of a QR Code

More Information

For more information about QR Codes, try these sites:

¿Códigos BIDI en los dominios .tel?


Welcome to .telegraph, the monthly .tel community newsletter covering the latest news on .tel features, software and services, as well as useful tips and advice from .tel owners. Why not share this with someone you think may also be interested? More resources are at



Featured .tel domains


It's not too late to enter our .tel treasure hunt!

In this issue:

Your name or brand in 16 more languages!

If you're a Jörn, Júlia or Bjørn, or a Chlöe, 李 or Błażej, you will be able to get your .tel name in your own language from June 15 this year.
You can also efficiently promote your products and services across a number of local markets with the help of language-specific .tel names. These will be easier to use for people in different countries, and will get more queries and traffic in local search engines.

The .tel community is becoming more diverse and global every day, with members in over 170 countries around the world. To support this global use, .tel can include multilingual keywords, subfolders and automatic translation of key information into 17 languages. Consequently, your .tel page will show differently in all browsers depending on the visitor's language preferences, so you can set up folders with language-specific content to cater to your international audience. The next step in opening .tel technology to the world is enabling internationalized domain names (IDNs), so that people in different parts of the world can enjoy registering their .tel names in their own language.

The internet is no longer restricted and organisations won't have to setup a new website for every market they wish to trade in or communities they wish to communicate with – a simple setup will help all their customers find the business and get in touch. Equally, people will no longer be forced to spell their names using English characters only, so personal online brands and contact pages can be set up quickly and efficiently.

Registrations of .tel IDNs will start at 3pm on June 15th, and will support Chinese, Danish, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
As further languages are approved for IDNs, Telnic will be consulting with the community and adding these where there is a demand.

If you're interested in purchasing a .tel name, check with your provider for details or visit

Add New Logo dialogue box

"Interestingly we have seen .tel appearing in our Google Analytics stream as a new way customers and potential customers are finding us online. .tel ensures new and potential clients are seeing only our current contact and web information."

Tara Ciecko, CK Golf Solutions Ltd
see interview below

Add New Logo dialogue box

More things to do with your .tel

With the new controls and templates, it's easier than ever to create your own unique space online, and make it memorable and useful for visitors. Here are a few design and customization tips we've picked up from our community members:

Edit your .tel from your .tel page

In the upper right-hand corner of your .tel page, you now have a "Manage" link leading to your control panel. You will have the option to disable it via Settings in your control panel if you wish, or hide the link by using a dark background colour at the top of your .tel page. This way, the link text won't be visible, but you'll know it's there. Hover over the top right of your screen to see the link highlight.

Settings: Template 4, color1 a9c617, color2 4a4a4a, color3 d0d0d0

.tel Search

At the top of your .tel page, you have a search field that helps visitors find information using TelPages. Of course, this is a optional link and if you want you can limit the search to "This .tel", or disable the search completely via Settings > Customize .tel page in your control panel. Keeping the search will help your visitors find what they're looking for, and enjoy the .tel experience.

Settings: Template 5, color1 db093d, color2 #8c0808, color3 4a014a, color 4 set to white

Smooth curves and groovy icons

The retro are available with the 2nd template in your Library. With the return of this old favourite custom background, your .tel page will be truly memorable and unique. All the customization features apply, with the search and links lower than usual templates, and your contact information doesn't have the grey boxes that highlight when you hover over them.
Settings: Template 2, color4 8819e3

Colour frames

Create a card-like effect on your .tel by using the same colour for the top and side bars of your page (templates 3 and 5). Choose the colour you like for the frame, and copy its 6-digit colour code into the other sections you want to use it on. Also note how you can use a light grey colour on your page to make your contact information blend in with the background.

Settings: Template 3, color1 3cd2e6, color2 2be6b7, color3 f5f5f5, color4 4885c7

If you like any colours shown in our example layouts, you can use the colour codes from each screenshot. Copy the colour you like, and paste it in the bottom field in the colour picker on the Design tab.

The death of the business card?

How many different business cards have you owned? As time progresses, doing business is becoming more dynamic and people are moving and changing contact information more often – at the same time leaving more footprints on the web, and using more online-based communication channels.

A phone number and email address are no longer enough to do business today, as you also need your other mobile, your Twitter stream, Skype for cheaper calls, your personal or professional social networks, and many other contact details. Many people try and cram all that into a business card, creating a really busy piece of paper which could be out of date the next day.

Do you even need a paper business card any more?

Now that you've got your .tel:

  • It has all your latest contact details
  • You use profiles to quickly change details depending on your location and status
  • You have replaced that bulky email footer with a nice simple .tel

Many people are moving on from the old way of using business cards. If they need to give anyone their details, is easy enough to remember or quickly jot down. They've got a point, and now, thanks to many of the tools now available, a .tel can also be stored in an iPhone address book (or Windows Mobile or Outlook contacts) – so all your latest info will be synced up next time your friends/clients need to reach you.

Many .tel owners, however, are still using a paper business card for a variety of reasons such as:

  • Their name/.tel is difficult to spell or has an unusual spelling
  • Their customers expect them to have a business card
  • They are in a industry where it is customary to exchange business cards
  • A business card can be a great way to show how simple it is for people to now access their contact details

One of the reasons why people switch to a .tel "virtual" business card in the first place, to bring all the info about them together without having to cram it all into a piece of paper and reprint every time something changes.

With a .tel you'll find that you suddenly have a whole load more space to play with on your business card, after all, the only text you need on there is your .tel name. Here are a few examples of what you could do:

KEEP IT SIMPLE: Simple, large font and just your .tel can be very effective in getting the message across that you now have a single location for all your communication channels.

PAINT A PICTURE: Why not use all that space for a logo or photo or give a preview of what your .tel looks like.

MOBILE MASTER: With a QR code (a mobile phone readable barcode) on your business card clients and customers just need to scan the code to save all your details to their mobile. Learn more about QR codes.

There are many ways to set up your card. If you have created one, we'd love to see it. You can either add it to the thread on our forum at or email us a copy at Whether you decide you no longer need a business card with your .tel or that it's still an important tool for you, one thing is for certain, you won't ever need to go back to the "old" style card with a tiny font to fit in those 20 different contact methods. Thanks to .tel, that business card will also last you forever.

Show them the hCard!

Telnic will enable the hCard format for .tel names at the end of June. An hCard acts a bit like vCard except for the fact that you don't have to click "Download" if you're using applications that support it. Don't worry – there's nothing you need to do in order for it to be activated.

Your hCard is formatted to store automatically with whatever information is published on your .tel.

To maximize the benefits of your hCard, fill in your .tel with your name, business address and work information using the Keywords area in your control panel. Any supported contact items you enter will also map into an hCard-compliant format online. Your vCard will still be available for all visitors, so your information can be easily imported into address books.

As with other microformats, hCard is emerging technology, but it can be a real time saver when you sign up online and give a link to your .tel hCard instead of typing in all your profile information that's already on your .tel page. According to, more and more browser plug-ins, address books and social networks like MySpace and LiveJournal, start offering support for hCards to improve your online experience.

Search engines are also picking up on microformats. For example, Google is adding support for hCards in search results to display additional information about you, such as your name and job description, or the name of your company and its geographic area.

CK Golf Solutions Ltd

We're Jeff & Tara Ciecko and we are the co-owners of CK Golf Solutions Ltd., a golf management and solutions company. We are based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Our objective is to help golf course owners make more money through business planning, marketing, operational reviews and social media to name a few things we do.

We have been able to position ourselves as the leaders in Western Canada public golf course operations due in large part to our connectivity with owners, operators, associations and key staff members at golf courses in Canada.

Our existing and potential clients all have different communication styles and we respond based on their preferred style whether it is via telephone, email, Twitter, Facebook, our blog or any other medium they choose. We heard about .tel on Twitter from a few respected people we follow and liked the ease the information to connect with them was made available. We wanted the connectivity.

After ordering and replacing business cards a couple of times (at a cost equal to five years of .tel registration) we finally converted to a card that only lists our .tel address, This enables new and existing contacts to access are most current information (whether it be phone numbers, blog sites, email addresses etc.).

We believe anyone can and should benefit from .tel. Our biggest frustration prior to registering a .tel domain was adding social media platforms and continually feeling our business cards were outdated. We have been using .tel for about three months, and are very happy with the ease we are able to update our information in a quick and timely manner.

Simply .tel is our on-line (and off line) business card available 24/7. We think .tel has a great future and will replace the phone book (if it already hasn't) along with taking over for the need to have Apps on your phone to access business information. You will simply type in a business's and be directed to their contact information with a map of their location.

Interestingly we have seen .tel appearing in our Google Analytics stream as a new way customers and potential customers are finding us on-line. .tel ensures new and potential clients are seeing only our current contact and web information. We don't really use any other marketing strategies besides .tel and our social media platforms. At this time these are both working well for us!

To read up on more of our .tel stories please visit:

How do you use yours? - Pascal Dufour

Use your .tel to drive all your communications, serve as your brand, and generate revenue with advertising. Pascal Dufour, artist and singer, uses to share his up-to-date contact details and information about upcoming gigs. Pascal has been kind enough to allow us to create a little advert about him. Tell us how you use your .tel, and you too may be featured in future.

Copyright © 2010, Telnic Ltd.

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