martes, 22 de enero de 2013

How I can add new client with full permision to one folder?

How I can add new client with full permision to one folder? and

You may try
Through TELcp you can invite your friends to manage telpages with their own credentials.

Create tel Owner account at
Add your tel domain.
Create folders.
Invite your friends to manage assigned tel pages without your help.

In TELcp tel Owners can manage multiple domains and multiple tel Users (your family members, friends etc).

More info at &

It is FREE up to 2999 sub domains and any number of .tel Domains.

Charges will apply only if you want other parties to manage your tel pages (i.e. if you make arrangements, outside TELcp, for renting out sub domains etc).
However, you can still allow other parties FREE of charge up to 10 tel pages (tel Users) per .tel Domain.


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